Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

do you have any idea who would want to hurt him? maybe people in masks

Ana: I have no idea.

well ms Ana I will get Cals body back for you. he saved my life I owe him this much

he gets up ready to leave thank you for your time

She nods ever slightly. The angry looking boy escorts him out

fade begins to walk back to the motal

when in his room fade calls raul (@Monkke)

Raul answers, staying silent

hey Raul I am heading to the NYC coffee center. I have information about Cals card god that should excite you. and bring marcus card with you.

Oh generally I just freeze things

I got another power recently but I haven’t tried it out yet

“What’s that?” Jacob thinks for a moment.
“Wait… Who’s power do you think is stronger, my fire or your ice?!” Jacob’s eyes light up competitively.

I can become an icy mist, apparently

“You should try it out. Maybe you can cross the barrier as mist!”


She becomes a Mary-shaped mist cloud

Raul says nothing, simply hanging up.


Misty gives him a breathtaking smile.
“According to the rest of them, you saved their lives.”

Mabel is still in hiding.

(time for that one spell I haven’t used a lot LOL)

Thoma sis getting angry. He decides only force can break trough this!

Thomas returns back to human form after having returned to the gate

Time to mow! Thomas uses windslash on the bushes, does it work?

(Thoma sis gonna be here til thursday LOL)

fade heads to the coffee shop

at the coffee store fade calls mabel (@PolikShadowbliss)

how is the staying hidden thing going?

“Yeah, what’s up?”