Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(Fixed. Oops! Jacob is at home sleeping :smiley: )

Miriam: Let’s see…

Her eyes turn serious

Isaac: The godcard grants magical power to the last person that touch it. The power it grants is written on the back of the card.

Isaac walks from an aisle into the corner

Miriam: If I’m to touch your card, I will get it’s power, until someone else touches it.
Isaac: The origin? Who knows? Olympus Group made it, but no one knows how.
Miriam: We were agents, but they cut contact with us. They sent people our way, but tell us not anything importance.
Isaac: And that’s why…

He holds both of Matthew shoulders

I don’t like people (talking 2 self).

Albert: Incorrect. I’m just a Zero Agent. The same applies to Muriel, Isaac, and Miriam.
Muriel: Someone with more power is running the organisation. Even we don’t know who. You can develop your power in order to participate

A mother and her toddler are walking by

Petrus noted the names in his mind.
“How do you develop the power?”

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uses his god card on them


Albert: You use them.

Toddler: Mommy, I want orange juice.
Mom: You just drank one, dear.
Toddler: I want it now!
Mom: If you’re thirsty, mommy has some water.
Toddler: I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna! I want orange juice.
Mom: No.

Crying and bawling ensues

laughs to himself (Dehydration is progressive)

“Would you kindly define usage,sir? Is it any action as long I use the card’s power? Or does it need to be specific use?”

Matthew stares at Isaac, one eye still glowing blue.

Around 6pm, Jacob arrives back at his home, noticing the note from Thomas on his door. He immediately pulls out his cell phone and calls him.

(does Thomas succeed with windslash on thorny bush @Damafaud)

Albert: …we are not too clear ourselves. The only Level One Agent, Lilian White, died not long ago .

@Marluxion @Noz_Bugz
Isaac smiles

Isaac: even if you fail, don’t forget to have fun, okay?
Miriam: Yup, yup! You can’t control everything, but you can make yourself have fun!
Isaac: Mary, you are so smart some time!
Miriam: I agree!

They do a high five

The bushes are slashed. But somehow, new bushes grow in its place

fade looks around the corner to see what the noise is

“…My condolences. May her soul rest in peace…”
Petrus prayed for Lilian.

“Another question, if magic exist, does a creature which involved with magic exist?” Petrus changed the subject, not wanting to indulge in grief.

Cats. Not tame tomcats. Angry tomcats. And they look a bit bigger than normal. Maybe they are a new species.

Albert: They do. Godcard project has shown its effect. You can see undead in the cemetery. Horned rabbits and direwolves in the forest. They are all caused by magic.

looks out for the man who is running

none in sight. The cats growl. They look angry

summons a shade to keep them busy and returns to the kid