Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Timo answers


“Misson accomplished. I found out everything I could. Do you want to debrief over the phone or where should I meet you?”

“Meet me in the warehouse on Marluxion’s street”

(you monster)
Matthew’s cab drops him off at the warehouse and he walks in the front door.

He can hear low voices talking from behind Hal’s room’s door

A man holding an umbrella approaches the shop and puts a sign on the shop’s window

There’s an abandoned house a bit further into the wood.

As Mabel walks around, she sees a flickering light in the distance

puts my ear to the door to try to listen

“-told you. No.”

“Honey, think about it. Even Cal-”

“I’m not Cal. Mom, have you ever look at me? Really look at me? No. All you see is a shadow of dad.”

“Hal, it’s not like that.”

“…you never really care about me. I’m not stupid. Have you ever came once to my competition? No. There’s less photo of me than Cal and you in this house. You put a blind eyes both to Cal’s misdeed and what I achieved. You think I never notice? The discrepancy between the word ‘I love you’ you utter so easily and the evidences all around is only too clear. And now you ask me to sacrifice something for your sake?”

“Ask again after you see me, mom. The real me. Not someone that resemble dad.”

There’s some pictures of white rabbits

“…this is astoundingly not helpful”

searches the city rabbit attack incident

stands out side the door waiting for her to come out

articles relating to rabbits attack are plenty. There are some picture visualising of white rabbits as large as a tabby cat with a horn protude through their skull

Ana walks out without a word. She sees Fade near the door

Ana: …

is he going ok? he has been though a lot

checks closest incidents location to apartement

Ana: …he will be. About the matter of card, you better give up.

Eternal Forest near the cemetery

“Hmm…night is bad idea. A forest is a good spot to ambush me. Also, it is raining. I need to compile more information.”

Searches unexplained incidents around the city

Thomas goes to the abandoned house

Valerie leaves NYU for the day and decides to roam the city looking for interesting things, does she find anything?

Apparently unexplained incidents includes how in hell Karen always burns pasta for dinner.

The room is dark. Through the window, Thomas can’t see a thing

It’s raining cats and dogs. Valerie is wet

“…this is getting nowhere. Wait, maybe if i search that name.”

searches Lilian White death

“Perharps I could get some clue, if she was an agent, and IF she was killed,her killer will be someone involved with godcard. I need details of the whole events”

Raul reads the sign, what does it say?

As he enters the warehouse, he can only see Max