Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

He gets in the SUV and orders the driver to drive to the address

" ā€¦Library-Lilian-Car-Raul. The vicious cycle of information. These 4 key words will show me the way. Alright, lets check one last thing before moving on"

search Raulā€™s car whereabout

the rain is heavy. The driver sets the wiper at macimum level

The car is destroyed. Itā€™s junk anyway. Or supposed to. The tow truck hasnā€™t come. The previous tow truck driver was found dead at an abandoned barn

Mabel prepares her fifth gen just in case.

ā€œNo one. Just a lost girl in the woods.ā€

do you know who ambushed you?

Petrus heart sank. "Ohā€¦that does not need a genius brain to figure out. "

the case info of the killed driver

Raul tells his driver to drive careful, he cannot allow any mistakes anymore

ā€œAh, you must be wet and cold outside. Come in, come in.ā€

Hal: Think so. Not telling you, though.

The day the car was going to be towed, Old Michael was met by Officer Jensen. Officer Jensen was found dead on the scene with a bulletwound at his head. There was sign of struggle and trail of another car. Old Michael was found dead at an abandoned barn.

The house is a modest one. A two story high house with a decent front yard. It must be beautiful under the sun, but you canā€™t really tell under the heavy rain

Mabel enters the cabin.

ā€œThank you so much.ā€

So Raul has firearm. But something wasā€¦off

searches for actual bullet in crime scene of Lilian White , the officer, and the tow driver

Raul and the two goons get out, he knocks on the door

ā€œAh, itā€™s no problem. I rarely have visitor nowadays.ā€

An old man is sitting at a rocking chair. He looks friendly.

ā€œPeopld call me Uncle Silva. Do you want tea? Thatā€™s all I have today.ā€

Classified. Maybe he should ask the officer in charge

@Monkke @Fadeblade
Hearing the knock, Hal frowns

Hal: Whoā€™s coming in this rain? Those reporters are persistent.

ā€œNo thanks. I donā€™t drink tea. What are you doing out here? Outside of the city?ā€

let me check it out

fade goā€™s to the door and looks though the peak hole

ā€œAh, Uncle Silva is always here. All alone, except for Basty that visits sometimes.ā€

He nods toward the sleeping cat near the fireplace

ā€œBut really, visitorsā€¦ It has been so long since anyone has came to visit.ā€

Surprise! Itā€™s Raul Long

Ana: Ah, who is it outside?

searches the name of officer in charge

ā€œAh I see.ā€

She trembles a bit.

Officer Daed

Seeing her trembles, Silva intreprets it for pity

ā€œAh, no need to feel sorry for old me. I enjoy the forest. Away from buildings and smokes and everything. There used to be a small community here, but only I was left.ā€

locks the door and runs up stairs and grabs her hand trouble

we need to get out of here