Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Ana freezes at the door. Even after what Alyson had said, she still hoped, desperately hoped, that he is alive

Ana: …Cal…

fade summons a shade to take the card from raul and give it to fade

Raul smiles behind his mask

“I have a picture.”


Raul’s superior reflexes from Drynold’s powers allow him to dodge the shade and put the card back

you say you wanna give it to me so why stop me from taking it?

“I said, that we’re going to trade.”

that was never the deal raul but what else can I expect from a man like you. you tried to kill your own team mate. Mabel never killed Cal he died how I thought. someone took his card that was the cause of death not mabel

"Haha, he’s not dead. Do you have Cal’s card? If not, then walk up to me and I’ll hand you the Anubis card. You leave this place and we’ll forget about this. ( :slight_smile: ) "

not dead? Raul we saw his body die he yells out CAL IS DEAD

Raul shakes his head.

“You are wrong. He is still alive. Now, here.”

Raul throws the Anubis card to Fade

“Go to Marcus, get him back. I know how much you love him.”

he pockets the card and thinks of the life he owes to Cal

now 1 more favour

Fade quickly points his gun at raul shooting in 2 times in quick succession and taking Cover

Jacob wakes up from his multiple-hour nap and stretches. “yaaaaawwn.” After eating and finishing a college paper, He picks up his phone and calls Thomas Marrow while walking out of his apartment.

Ana with trembling hands, runs outside. She has killed Cal. What Alyson said came back to her.

Hal escapes through the window and climbs to the roof

Raul simply takes the hits and charges towards Fade, the goons each go after Hal and Ana


(make up your fokkin mind :^) )

before raul even touchs fade he turns into a ghost

this was but a favour I owed to Cal raul you will understand in time I had no choice

fade floats though the wall going outside

Max looks at Matthew

“Talk to them. Maybe we can get a contract through them. If you have nothing else, then get lost!”

Raul runs on the roof where Hal is, he chases him

(you don’t see Hal get on the roof)

“Sure thing. What about the rest of the outfit? You keeping busy here? Anything they need me to do while I’m in NYC?”

(yea you only see him on stair. Then he goes to his room.)

Ana runs toward the neighbour’s house. Her blouse is drenched wet. Her umbrella is stuck, so she discard it.
Hal takes a deep breath. He can’t hear what happens inside the house with the heavy rain.