Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Cal: N-no, really! I insist!

He moves rapidly to her side.

Misty grabs it.
The moment it leaves her hand, Lillian is back to normal. Except that she is not. Somehow she is still hot. And beautiful.

Mary moves away from Cal

Didnā€™t you hear me!? Iā€™ll be fine!

Thomas decides to leave Jacob and Drynold behind and heads home

Arrived at home Thomas decides to practice the one other wind spell he had copied from the book, a kind of windslash. Thomas tries to windslash a piece of paper but the wind just brushes against the paper

Thomas tries several times and then gives up, and then realises his card is shining.

Oh boi. Thomas takes the card out of his pocket to notice new text had appeared, reading the following:

Magic tracking: Can track people or objects that have magic in them or around them

So this ability has a description huh? Must be playing with meā€¦

Lilian: ā€¦it truly is a defect. Iā€™m not supposed to meddle with the cardholders, butā€¦

She leans in and speak with a confidential tone.

Lilian: Donā€™t let anyone else touch the card. Many would even kill you for the beautifying effect solely. You should be extra careful now.

Cal: No you wonā€™t!

For a moment, his face shows a twisted sickly face, but he quickly recovers his insincere smile.

Cal: You saw it, didnā€™t you? What I did to the old manā€¦

What the fuck are you talking about!?

Okay, okay.
You look good by the way.

Damn, the woman is not observant.

Cal: The Saviour Angel in the news? Itā€™s actually me, you see! Donā€™t you know how great it is to be recognised?

he tries to put his arm around Maryā€™s hip

Lilian gives her a wane smile

Lilian: Even I might get tempted with this effect.

Misty takes the card and immediately leaves.
_Thinks:_Calm down Misty. Youā€™re a woman now.

Mary grabs Calā€™s wrist and starts freezing it
Iā€™m not interested! I donā€™t care! I neither want nor need your help to get home! I will be fine! Leave me the fuck alone!

After the hospital visit, Drynold decided to visit the library, he walks in the library and sees two figures talk, do they notice Drynold?

Realising he could track magic users or cardholders as we call ourselves down Thomas is thinking between tracking down the guy in the news who performs miracles in the shadows or track down Lily and get information.

Iā€™mma track down this saviour angel, Lily can wait a bit longer.

Thomas grabs some papers with places the saviour angel has saved people, and leaves to go to one of these places

The guards stare at her not so modestly. Albert gives out a long whistle inside.

Albert: Wow, sheā€™s hot. Are you sure itā€™s a defect? More like total improvement.

Lilian: Positive. The residue effect of the card is too strong to be that of a Gen 1 power and could potentiallyā€¦ Albert?

Albert: Sorry. In thought for a moment there. Say, Lily. Did you change your conditioner or something?

Lilian: You-

A figure has walked into the library.

Lilian: Welcome to Olympus Library. How can we help you?
Surprised, Cal retracts his wrist and stares at Mary with an astonished look.

Cal: Alright, alright. Iā€™ll leave now.

He walks hastily away from Mary.

Damn, a cardholder! I donā€™t want to get caught so easily. Lucky she doesnā€™t give chaseā€¦ I donā€™t even know her Genā€¦

The track leads him to the Laurels House. A TV van us parked outside. Looks like they are recording.

What a fucking creep

She heads home

She freezes herself a tray of ice cubes and has a cold lemonade, she then looks at the card, itā€™s covered in ice

Whoa what the fuck?

The ice shatters and reveals new text

Drynold walks up to Lilian.

ā€œLillian White? I am Drynold Storm, a private investigator. Iā€™d like to ask you a couple questions if I mayā€

She reads the text

Well thatā€™sā€¦cool I guessā€¦

She grabs a fistful of ice cubes and just holds them

ā€¦not sure what Iā€™m supposed to do with this but okay

I wonder what happens if I freeze the sea?

Probably nothing considering itā€™s massive and salty but I guess thereā€™s no harm in finding out

She heads to the beach

See Discord

Eventually Albert stops his drooling and looks upon the detective.

My apologies but Lillian is now unavailable, if you have questions, you can ask me.

Drynold raises his eyebrow

ā€œWell, I had some specific questions to ask her, but I could ask some from you too.ā€

Takes up his notes

How long have you worked here?