Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“About twenty years. Give or take.”

Writes it down

“And your full name is?”

While he questions Albert, he uses his card, focusing on it and on Albert. His eyes go light blue and they look straight into Albert’s eyes… What alignment is Albert?


_Albert stares at the eyes, uncomfortable.

A cardholder he must be.

“My full name? Albert James Watson. At your service.”

Drynold nods

“And what can you tell me about the magic cards? What’s going on here?”

“The magic cards? They are part of a project of ours. A very risky project. I am certain you read our card?”
Albert gulps, this detective is intimidating.

He writes things down on his notes

“Yes, I did read it, but I wanted to hear it from an employee himself.”

“So, how well do you know Lilian White? What can you tell me about her?”

“She works here. Has been working here for a while. Other than that, I don’t much about her. She usually keeps to herself.”

“The reason I came here is that I’m investigating a possible murder situation which involves Lilian White. A car was exploded from the inside, with some hieroglyphs left on the seat”

Drynold shows the pictures of the hieroglyphs.

“I have reason to believe that she and a person called Raul Long were behind this, and I have reason to believe that these cards caused that.”

Hands Albert his business card

“If you remember anything, or want to tell me something. Feel free to call me here.”

Albert takes the card, nervous.
“Okay, if I remember anything, I will call you.”

Drynold nods, and walks outside of the library

"I should try out my card more often, it’s quite useful!

Mary arrives at the beach

Misty is curled up in the furthiest part of the beach, trying to avoid all the unwanted attention.

Mary goes to see if the curled up girl is okay

Once there, she realizes that she is the hottest woman she has ever seen!


Holy shit it’s the hottie from the library!

Mary realises she’s drooling and stops

A-are you okay?

“No! Everyone keeps hitting on me and — and ----”

Well uhh

I c-c-can imagine why

“Just leave me alone!”

Are you just gonna stay here forever if I do?

Misty nods.