Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Well that won’t do you any good

If you want to avoid harassment you shouldn’t be in such a wide open public place

Misty just curls further in.

I mean I could see if I could set up a windbreaker so you could hide until nightfall I guess

Although there are some real creeps at night so that wouldn’t be a great idea

Do you have somewhere to go? Like a house or something?

“No! I could go with my parents. But they are all acting weird.”

Don’t you have your own place?


How are they “acting weird”

“They keep acting as if everything is normal. But it’s not!”

You’re gonna have to be a little more specific

“no, I don’t.”

Look I’m trying to help but I can’t help unless I know what the problem is

“The problem is that I am not supposed to be this … woman!”

Is this some sort of spiritual awakening or…

she lowers her voice so other beachgoers can’t hear

are you talking about magic?

Misty’s eyes widen and she gapes.


“Are you —?”

Am I what?

“Like me.”


I think I saw you in the library, were you looking for Lilian?

“Yes. Yes, I was.”