Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Raul looks around but seems to find no one with the nameplate Lilian White there

Oh well, guess I’ll stick around for a bit…

He texts his friend who has been following Lily, has he found anything of importance about Lily?

*It was last night, or so her sense tells her. The man is sitting in front of a bar counter, oogling at a younger looking woman besides him. His right hand is placed on her hip._

"Don’t you feel sorry about your wife?
“Don’t worry too much. If not for her inheritance, I wouldn’t have married that ugly mug.”
“You naughty little lizard~”
“No need to worry, love. I have a big job tomorrow. And after I finish that, I can live with you forever.”

The scene continues as the pair order a room at a cheap motel and until the morning of today. It stops when the man gets off the hotel’s bed

The woman the friend follows live in an apartment. Further inquiry gives the infirmation that the woman is no other than Lilian White.

You fucked in a rather cheap motel and you only married your wife because of her inheritance and would care less about her because of she is and I quote an “ugly mug.”

She smiles.

I am starting to like this.

The man is speechless. His facs is red beyond redemption.

"What do you want?

Damn it, the same woman? Well, gotta do something about this.

Raul texts his friend and tells him to put a note under her door for her to see. Raul considers the favor being returned and starts waiting in the library, playing a card game called “HeartStuune” on his phone

That depends. Hmm. How much is my silence?

Actually. Better. How much for my service?

“Listen, I can get you anything you want. Just give me a day to prepare everything.”

A new sin comes into view. The cake is a lie


Lilian founds the note under her door. After changing back into her working clothes, she goes back to the library

When Raul sees Lilian White entering the building he walks in front of her and says

Lilian White…

Shows Lilian the black card

What is this? Who are you?

Oh, tut, tut. You lie. You really ought not to lie. It is best.

She grabs one of the artifacts.

You know, my mother and father were murdered by thugs and I’ve lived on the streets.

She raises the artifact.

“Don’t touch that! That urn has high historical value that can’t be replaced!”


Lily: It seems you have received one of the Godcards. The cards are Olympus Group’s way of repurpose magic into society. In other words, they let you do magic.

“Magic? What do you mean by that? How does a simple card just give me any magic? And you mentioned society… You mean to give the regular people that kind of power?”

Oh, it does? Oh, that’s too bad. Why did you lie?

I was so willing to kill your wife for you.

But you just had to lie.

She advances toward him. Notices something.


She places the urn back and grabs an ancient egyptian knife.

Wonder how long since this has been used?

She smiles at the curator.

(Only now just realized that I’m a living lie detector.)

Arrives at the library where Miss White works and enters it, apparently there’s already a man talking with a woman who Thomas deduced to be Miss White.

The duo notices Thomas, what do they do?

(social deduction eh? I’ll wait for the answer first tho.)

Lily: The time is exactly 15.27 past 33 seconds. My ability is Time Sense. Your ability should be written on the back of the card. By magic, yes, the magic that you imagined only exist in the past. The magic used by ancient greek gods and cultists of pagan gods. As for the card origin, the information is confidential. Olympus Group sole purpose is to soread this magic back into the daily life of humans.

She notices the presence of another man, but unsure of his purpose.


The man’s face turns pale

“I-I… Security! Someone is trying to steal the artifacts!”

Mabel smiles and gentally puts the knife back. Hands up.

You want my deal or not.

“Look you can’t give regular people that kind of po-”

He notices Thomas, ignores him and starts whispering.

“That kind of power, they don’t know what to do with it… Who is your boss? I need to have a word or two with him”