Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

In what sense?

Raul grabs the driver and takes him into the barn, he grabs some tape and tapes his mouth. He puts the driver to an old dusty chair and ties him to it

ā€œSo, you were at the wrong place at the wrong timeā€¦ But itā€™s too late to let you go now, right Mabel?ā€

Raul laughs and claps once

(Evening, 9 PM afaik?)

ā€œDamn it. I suspect it was Raul, his car is still hereā€¦ā€

Mabel pulls a knife.


ā€œYou startā€¦ I want to watch thisā€¦ā€

(Polik, can you RP the driver then?)

ā€œIn what sense!? Iā€™M A GROWN-UP NOW! I donā€™t know what to do!ā€

Matthew came out of the University Library.
He is studying Norse Mythologie but they werent at the Part of Ragnaroek. So eh looked it up and especially the Fenrir part. He knew know the Symbolics and stuff.
He is still confused about the things that happend in the Library. How could he nearly Break a Table with only 1 hit? Its frighten him a little bit. He packs up his stuff and wants to go to a cafe in the near of the University.

Mabel starts by stabbing him in the leg and slowly cutting.

He screams in agony.

I donā€™t know what advice to give

ā€œWell, um, what do you grown-ups do?ā€

Raulā€™s card starts shining while Mabel is torturing, he quickly looks at his card and sees that he can summon Caponeā€™s goons to help him

Raul: ā€œInterestingā€¦ā€

Raul focuses on his card and he quickly sees two figures that appear, they look pretty much the same, they both wear suits and have pistols on their hands.

Raul: ā€œHello? You are my goons, correct?ā€

Goons: ā€œYes boss, any orders?ā€

Raul:ā€œStay outside, keep guard, inform me of any activityā€

ā€œFourth gen?ā€

Mabel smiles.

ā€œLooks like someone is finally catching up.ā€

I generally hang around in my apartment all day, only leaving to buy groceries or watch a movie

I mean it helps that I work from home, but I donā€™t really know what you should do

Raul looks delighted, but he canā€™t express it due to his mask

ā€œIndeed, this will be interestingā€¦ā€

Raul takes his gun and shoots at the driverā€™s toe

ā€œDamn this feels goodā€¦ā€

ā€œOkay, okay. Oh, here, apparently I have an ID and money.ā€

Oh yes, it does.

As she talks, her voice seems to silther slightly.

She is still slowly cutting.

So you can get a job and buy stuff, thatā€™s a start

ā€œGet a job? Where?ā€

He wasnā€™t alone, I have been tracking this mysterious saviour angel thatā€™s been popping up in the news and it lead me here. But yes this is definitely the work of Mr. Long. What should we do? Thomas mumbles something