Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

He opens the package laying by his side

ā€œI wasnā€™t planning on you helping anyway, Iā€™m going to hunt him down on my own.ā€ Jacob turns to leave the library (unless interrupted) and heads out to go home for the night.

There are two cards inside. One of them is a black card with a roman senator on it. Gaius Cassinus Longinus, Roman Senator, is written below it. Disguise and explanation of it is written behind.

The second card is white.The White card seems to be a business card.

You have received the power of the ancients. The card is at your disposal and for you to decide what to do with it. Be minded that damage to the card may potentially reduce its power. Questions? Ask Lilian White for details in City Library.

It says on the back. The front of the card has the writing Olympus Group on it.

Cal smiles as he forsee the fight in the barn from outside. Looks like heā€™s not the only cardholder. He follows two of them home before disappearing into the night.

Smirks at the fact that it fits him sorta
Picks the cards up and starts walking towards the CBD

(Whatā€™s CBD)

(Central Business District)

The district is bustling, even this late into the night

Lilian goes home and finds the card. What does it say?

(Do you have any plan or should I move it to day from night?)

(No plans atm)

@PolikShadowbliss @Monkke @Simon @AgentBoin @JammySplodge @Rogue @Marluxion @Ami @FadeBlade @RagnaroekIV

(Whooo mass tag. Why? BECAUSE ITā€™S NOW SATURDAY)

As the sun rises in New York City, the 7 AM news is busy. Several shootings have been heard around the vacinity and a police officer had been found dead. People are asked to inform the officials if they have any information.

Itā€™s Saturday. The library is closed and consultation becomes strict to phone-to-phone. Looks like thereā€™s a construction project in the library.

(lets say my conversation with @FadeBlade is over because i want to progress)
(have you seen what im thinking for my gen 2 in discord?)

(name it then we talk)

Marcus goes up to his room to gather the various supplies heā€™ll need to complete his favors. While doing so, he temporarily puts his card down on his dresser. when heā€™s done, the card looks as if a shadow is emanating from it. He then goes to inspect it
Oh? a new power? ā€œRide the Riverā€ hmmā€¦ that seems more practicalā€¦
he then heads out to complete his favors, excited by the prospect of testing this new power sometime later
(lets say he does this until Saturday)

The note says ā€œRevenge will be mineā€

Mary registers Mistyā€™s number in her phone and goes to see Lilian

Drynold wakes up in the hospital, he quickly takes his phone and sees that Thomas has texted him his number. He calls Thomas

ā€œHey man, whatā€™s going on?ā€

Thomas wakes up as the sun warms his face and finds himself on the floor.

Mustā€™ve used too much energy and collapsed, oh well. Thomas stomach growls very loud, clearly he has a lot of hunger. Thomas refreshes himself, puts his usual atire on and has a lot of french toast like his mom made him back when he lived in Europe.

Just after finishing breakfast and feeling a bit better Thomas phone rings, must be Drynold , Thomas picks up the phone

ā€œNothing much, I just finished breakfast, using my powers had em knocked out straight cold on my apartment floor. and Oh yes I took your car to my place. What did the doctors say?ā€

ā€œThe bullet pierced my hand, but they said Iā€™ll be out of here in 3 days. Have you heard of Raul at all?ā€

Raul wakes up, checks the room and starts to make coffee for himself alongside breakfast. He doesnā€™t have his mask on.

The library is closed. A lot of construction workers are going in and out of the front door. A paper is sticked on the window

Card consultation temporarily moves to Delphi Magic Shop

An adress is written below it.

After reading the card, Lilian stays home and sleeps. First thing in the morning, she writes a letter and put it in an envelope, along with two cards from Olympus. Realising she doesnā€™t have stamps, she goes out to buy some.