Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Thomas decides to slip by the duo talking to catch White’s glare showing the black card giving the signal he wants to talk and disappears into the fiction section of the library looking over the books and see if there’s something interesting waiting while the 2 finish their chat.

“Are you crazy? I don’t like that bitch but it’s not like I want murder on my hand!”

She rolls her eyes.

Pathetic. Fine.
Then tell me. Where is this Olymbus Group and where can I find them?

Lily smiles at the man.

Lily: It’s not our concern whether people can handle it or not. If magic blends back into society, that itself is enough. I’m the sole representative of Olympus Group in this city, for your information. If you excuse me, the clock is ticking two minutes since we talk, and I have others to handle. Come with me or go as you please.

She moves to follow Thomas

Raul follows Lily, staying quiet

"They said they’ll send you a second card. Something that you can contact for more information.

Oh, you mean this?

She picks up the second card, looks at the number.

So it would seem.

You have done your job, now scram.

She calls the number.

The man leaves hurriedly. He tries to explain the misunderstanding to the security guards.

Lily’s phone rings. Unfortunately, she lefts it in a hurry in her apartment.

He notices White is done talking to the other man and approaches her

so Miss White, would you care to explain what this black card means? Thomas appears to more easily accept the truth aobut the black card because of his experiecne with the unexplainable

And what is a spell, a simple spell at that? There isn’t an insutrction manual with the card sadly.

Mabel waits and then sighs, hangs up and leaves the muesum for the night.

Once outside the musem, she pinches herself.

Okay, Mabel. This must be a dream. Just a dream. A very clear dream. Sooner or later, you will wake up.

Lily: To explain it easily, the card grants magical ability to those that possess it. Basic spells probably refers to simple spells that is easy to be done.

Mabel runs to her apartment, her cheap apartment filled with chatter and people screaming. She looks at her card and sighs.

Raul thinks to himself:

Another one? What if the whole city gets those cards? They need to go to one person to look after… and that person is me.

But how would I go aobut casting a simple spell? just thnik what I want to happen? Say something? Or just wave my hands around?

Lily: You can find the answer in this library. Grimoires, historical books, all reference to help you exist in this library. They are ordered solely for this project.

Raul starts looking around for any other personnel, does he find anyone but Lily?

A few librarians swirl around, moving books, sitting at the receptionist desk, and generally working.

Raul walks up to one of the librarians and says

Greetings, could I ask for some help?

And in what section would I find these books?