Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(thoma sis left handed for your information :P)
Thomas realizes it’s now or never and steps to the left to get a line of fire on the goon that shot the other goon and fires at him with his gun and with his right hand charges up a windpush and shoots the wind at Rauls legs int he hope sof using the speed of Rauls charge and the winds force to cause him to fall.

The other goon gets shot and falls down, he got shot in his stomach and is bleeding out, and Drynold takes a good shot at the goon’s head and does a nice headshot. The other goon grabs him and quickly takes him down while he was shooting the first goon. Raul falls, but his superior reflexes allow him to actually dodge most of that and attempts so shoot Thomas in his hand where he holds the card

While Raul attempts to shoot at Thomas, at the same time he yells:

Raul: “Mabel! NOW!”

May I ask what your card is then?
(totally not trying to use an in character way to say i can speak with the dead cough cough)

Jacques reads the black card first.

What is this a set of trading cards?

He drops the card on the floor, and as he looks back into the box, he sees the white card. Curiously, he picks it up and reads it.

Huh. Maybe this day won’t be so boring after all.

He picks the black card up and stashes it into an inside pocket of his coat along with the white one. With that, he heads out of the apartment, locks the door behind him, and begins the walk to the city library.

(I’mma let Dama and Polik respond first before I continue)

Suddenly a nearby air vent explodes and a pillar of sand emerges into the scene. Before any of the people could react, the sand pillar hits all three of them, disarms Lillian and throws the first two into a wall. It then grabs Lillian and with a single stroke, flies out through the door.

Misty finally saw herself in the reflection and boy was she … unbelievably hot, she was perfect, perfect hips, perfect legs, perfect face, and she now knows what boys feel like when they see the perfect bust. She was perfect. Why did she want to go back? Back to what? Being a child. She looks down at her card. She had put in her drawer and yet, nothing has changed. Not a single bit. Hmm. She was freaking out before but now, maybe she should give this body a try. Who knows? Maybe she will enjoy it. And with that, Misty leaves and goes to the beach.

Mary calls Misty

Misty calls back.

“You know I just realized that I have my own phone!?”

She sounds giddy.


Anyway I couldn’t find Lilian but one of her colleagues took a message so she should be in touch with me fairly soon and we can see if we can find someone to fix you

“Fix me?”

“I ---- what if I don’t want to be fixed?”

That’d be fine I’m just making sure you know someone who can help if and when you decide to change back to normal


Also the organisation moved so I should give you the address for the new place

Do you have something to write on or no?

Hold up. I will get something.

There is silence on the other side.

Got it!

she tells Misty the address

“Got it.”

Okay, see you later I guess

she hangs up

I swear I was gonna do something before I met her at the beach

Ehh it can probably wait

she turns the thermostat down and does work stuff or something

(wait, is mary in the magic shop?)