Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(she left)

(rip we just missed eachother then)

Librarian: No card for a lowly worker like me, Iā€™m afraid.

@PolikShadowbliss @Monkke @Agentboin

She finishes the glyph before Mabel grabs her. The glyph shines at its place


Blue sliver of light spreads from the glyph. The temperature of the room drops, while ice crystal begins to appear at the corners of the room. The room begins to freeze

Mabel is already out of the room before it freezes so it doesnā€™t effect her. Good choice though.

The library is under construction.

Lilian consultation temporarily move to Delphi Magic Shop

Lilian holds on tight to her pen as sheis dragged

(I am going to wait for Monnke to respond before posting.)

Monnkes shot wouldā€™ve hit home if Thomas had still been standing there but he already moved to help drynold, but before Thomas could shoot, he gets knocked ot the ground by sand.

Thomas gets up first and unloads his gun in frustration at the goon that stands over Drynold. Thomas then sprints out of the apartment and follows the sand trail. While running Thomas reloads his pistol.

The sand is pretty fast, good luck catching up to it or following it.

As Thomas left, Raul can easily focus on Drynold, With Drynold being already wounded, Raul knocks him out and grabs him. He starts running out of the apartment

Oh. Im sorry about that
As Marcus looks at her face, he can sort of recognize the look she has for some reason
And Im sorry if im wrong about this, but you wouldnā€™t happen to have any deceased loved ones, would you?

Shop Assistant: I donā€™t think thatā€™s your business, dear.

@Monkke @AgentBoin
The room freezes over. Blue ice covers all surfaces. The goons freeze.

Lilian tries to grab the pen, but it falls out of her reach.

_Mabel eventually has to materialize as she goes 100 feet. She is still graping Lillian as she notices the pen. Knowing that she can draw a glyph as anytime, she smacks the pen out of her hand. Then returns to sand form, travelling even more. _

Thomas catches up to mabel when she changes forms and realizing she could escape again he fires a few rounds.

Raul quickly steals a car, hotwires it and puts Drynold in the trunk, he messages Mabel

Raul: ā€œI have one of the cardholders. Meet at the abandoned building on Jeffersonā€™s streetā€

Mabel shifts before the bullets hit her, travelling even faster ahead.

Raul drives to the general direction where Mabel was headed, does he find her?

A pillar of sand goes through the open window of the car, as Mabel materializes again with Lillian in tow.

Thomas still on adrenalin chases the sand down. He canā€™t keep this up forever however the distance Mabel can travel with the sand is quite limited.

Raul sees Thomas and does a few driveby shots so he couldnt run and had to cover. Raul drives away afterwards

oh. Um, sorry. I just thought i could helpā€¦ becauseā€¦ shows abilities