Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Librarian: Gladly.

Lily: You can ask one of the librarians for help. The time is 15.34 past 55 seconds. There is 3 hours, 25 minutes and 5 seconds until the library closes.

Raul: “Could you come and show me the history books on the greek gods, I’ve always been fascinated about them”

A pair of husband and wife is fighting next door. Their scream can be heard 3 apartments below. It sounds like the husband has gone gambling again.

I suppose I better start digging in eh?

Thomas leaves Lily behind and heads towards the receptionist desk but on the way finds a librarian moving books and approaches him.

Exuse me sir, would you know where I can find books on magic spells?

Mabel sighs, gets out of bed, and goes to the room


hears the noise from the graveyard summons a shade shut them up for me without killing them

The librarian leaves him and returns with several books of greek mythology.

Librarian#1: Ah you mean a grimoires? We just received a huge lease of books recently. The grimoires are all put on the shelf over there.

He points at a shelf near the entrance

The husband goes out of the room. He smells drunk. A beer bottle is held on his right hand.

“Oh yeah? This is none of your business so you better scram, lass.”

The fact that I can’t sleep makes it my buiness asshole!

Her card vibrates as the second gen appears on it but she doesn’t notice.

Raul smiles and says

Raul: "Could you come and help me with some of these books privately on those desks there, I have a hard time of understanding this kind of stuff, and I’d surely want someone of your expertise helping me

Ah okay thanks sir.

Heads over to the shelf of books the librarian pointed out and picks a grimoire of the shelf lamsot like it called to Thomas, and decides to move to a table and starts reading. What is Thomas reading?

The shade leaves him. Shortly after, Fade can hear the screams of teenagers as they run away from the graveyard

“What is it to me if you can’t sleep, huh? You want to sleep so bad that you disturb my time?”

His face swollens red

You know what? You hate your wife so much, why don’t you just … get rid of her! Then I can finally sleep, for the love of gods~!

(hey dama would you say shades can go though walls?)

She unknowingly uses the second gen power without realizing it

(Nah. Shadows can’t go through walls. Yet.)


“What? You think I’m too much of a sissies to do that? I’ll prove it to you, bitch!”
*He hits the bottle in his hand into the door hinge and runs inside. A woman’s screams. Then she begins to wail. Her scream is not one of anger that was heard before.

Wait, what are you doing!?

The power of the card vibrates.

She picks it up, notices the change. Reads the Second Gen.

What the fuck!?

“Die! Die! Die, you bitch! Who’s the pussy now, huh? Can’t answer with a mouthful of blood?”

Blood trickles in the direction of the door

loses my patience with the shade and heads to see for myself

Mabel backs away from the door and goes back to her room, shaking.

The shade is lurching about a frightened teen who’s hugging his knees under a tree. Every time he whimpers, the shade staggers in his direction. Foul smelling liquid can be smelled from the boy’s direction

The police comes not long after. The man’s room is taped with police line and those who lives in the apartment is asked for information