Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Drynold takes a sip from his beer

“Huh…you just reminded me of my niece for a second, sorry for asking. So, where are you from?”

“Around here.”

Drynold uses his card’s ability to quickly spot things around Misty, does he spot the card on her?

It’s not on her in anyway. But this beauty is clearly unnatural. No one can be this beautiful. She is too perfect.

Drynold looks stunned and suddenly asks her:

“How are you, so… beautiful. This is unreal, I mean… I’ve seen pretty women before, but this… this is godly. How?!”

“… I …”

She stammers and goes silent.

Drynold takes a sip and says:

“You’re hiding something…”

Drynold looks Misty straight in the eyes, his eyes turn light blue for a second as he looks at her. She is a good character, Drynold finally looks excited, finally an another good user.

“It’s the card, is it not?”

Misty jumps

“Card!? What card!?”

Drynold looks at Misty in a calming manner

“It’s okay, I have the card too. Tons of other people do aswell, I’m trying to get to the bottom of this, you can’t lie to me, I do this thing for a living.”

Misty laughs.

Okay okay, I got a card and then I became this … thing …

Drynold looks intrigued

“What thing? Care to explain a bit?”

Misty gives him a look and just presses down on her breasts.

Drynold gulps a bit

“I-It turned you into this… personafication of beauty?”

“Yes. It did.”

She sounds unhappy.

Drynold seems confused

“You’re unhappy? Other women would be really happy.”

“Do you have any idea how much people are hitting on me?! You go through life being hit on left and right and you will be unhappy too!”

She choses not to mention her stolen childhood.

Drynold thinks

“Well take the card off. Don’t use it, you’re not really forced to.”

“I tried that. I can’t turn it off.”

Drynold looks interested

“But you could use it to your advantage. You’re a good person, I just checked that. How about you actually use your powers for some good. You can sit here and be embarrassed about yourself, or get up, and join me and my crew.”

“Join you?”

She looks up, excited.