Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Drynold stands up and nods

“You have your card. You can distract others with it. There are bad people with the cards, killing people and terrorizing this city. I can’t defeat them alone. Will you help me?”

“Bad people? Killing people? Sure. I would love to!”

Drynold smiles

“Great! Now, I’ll give you my number, and tomorrow, after we both get some sleep. I’ll call you. You’re always free to stay at my place if yours is far from here haha.”

“No t-thank you. I will just go to my place.”

“Alright. Have a good evening then, and remember. Answer the phone tomorrow, haha!”

Drynold waits for Misty to walk from the bar just incase if anyone would say anythin’

Misty nods and leaves.

@Monkke @PolikShadowbliss @Daericul @AgentBoin @Simon @JammySplodge @Rogue @Marluxion @Fadeblade @Ami

Night once again falls in The city of New York. The local news is baffled by a series of unnatural phenomena. An unmanned area in the wood has turned into sand. The local enviromentalist claims that global warming has started to corrode the earth itself. An apartment is found freezing in the middle of the day. The Police is still looking for the whereabout of Lilian White, the owner of the apartment. These strange events pops up everywhere in the city.

The news that top it all for the night is the appearance of self proclaimed Saviour Angel who has started to go around hospitals and save patients that are deemed a lost case. Miss Laurels, the first patient of the Saviour Angel has changed her will to donate all of her wealth to her saviour, much to the protest of her family. The masked angel still go round as of today.

In a secret base underground, a petite woman approaches a man puffing away smokes from his cigarette.
Woman: Sir, we lost contact with Agent Lilian.
Man: Is that so? That makes the eighth agent this week, no?
Woman: The tenth, sir. Agent Dorcas and Agent Jonathan have disappeared from London and Singapore respectively.
Man: I see… has there any noticable change in the reading?
Woman: As you said, sir. People have reported sightings of zombies and mutated dogs in several regions.
Man: Good, good. Sever contact with the rest of the agents.

The man smiles grimly as he look at a monitor showing the world map.
Man: Magic will fill the world again.

In a small shop, a man is hugging a woman, who’s sobbing uncontrollably.
Woman: It can’t be, it can’t be! Please say it’s not true.
Man: I’m sorry, Muriel… the police said they will try their best.

He tries his best to be strong, but his eyes are red nonetheless.
Woman: What can the police do? When magic is involved, when the accursed group is involved…
Man: Maybe they can’t, Muriel, but we can. *We * could do something.

The man stares at the envelope on the table. Lilian’s curvy handwriting adorns the front of the letter.

Man: Lilian… what would you do in my place?

Magic in the world has been revived! Weak magical beings such as ghosts, zombies, and mutated animals can be seen at several places

A new challenger has appeared!

Mary sits at home, working on a project, waiting to see if Lilian calls about the message she left

I gave the shop woman my number to pass on, what’s taking so long?

Raul and Mabel are finally out of danger. He looks around him and says

“Great, we’re in the middle of nowhere”

Raul takes off his mask and sits down, his burned face looking sad

“Another attempt, and we got nothing… and what happened back there?”

Mary heads to the shop to see if the shop woman has any news about Lilian

The shop sign says it’s closed, but voices can be heard inside.

Mary knocks on the door

A pair of eyes peek from the window shutter.
Librarian: The magic shop is closed. …unless you come for another reason?

I passed on a message to Lilian I was just wondering if she’d got it yet

I don’t mean to seem pushy it’s just important for a friend of mine

Librarian: …wait for a moment.
The librarian goes away from the shutter. Low voiced arguments can be heard inside. Not long after, the door of the shop is unlocked. The librarian opens the door.

Librarian: Come in. The situation is not very favorable right now.

She enters

The shop is in disarray. A woman is staring emptily at a crystal ball. The librarian cleans his throat.

Librarian: Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert Dorcas. This is my co-worker, Muriel Field. We are, or were, Olympus Agent with Level 0 clearance under Agent Lilian White.

Agent? She’s some sort of James Bond?

(Hey dama was one of the people the angel saved that old women I investigated?)