Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

A third scream is heard, this time even louder and blood drips in under the door

(darn autocorrect on my phone XD)

Mabel squirms uncomfortably.

Raul walks up to Mabel.

“I’ll take care of this”

Goes to the kitchen to grab a knife

Two knocks come on the door

A voice says Open up or more screams will come… hehehe

( @PolikShadowbliss @Monkke )

(I’m here. Just waiting on Monkke.)

Raul puts on his mask and goes and opens the door.

“What is it that you want, kid?”

The person is gone, only a note remains

@AgentBoin @Damafaud

Drynold grabs a skeleton and uses a blast on its body, it gets destroyed. He points at the house after.

“Fine, Jacques. Alice, follow him there, me and Thomas will stay outside and get these undead.”

He grabs the note and reads it, what does it say there?

The note reads

Library, 23:00 tommorow, be there or be square

The rest you can’t make out as it’s been drenched in blood

Raul grabs the note and gets back inside.


“Look at this Mabel, the kid is full on crazy.”

(How do you know it’s Lil?)


Jacques sends his illusions into the house, distracting any undead from the entrance. He enters the house. What does he see?

Mabel sighs.
“She is crazy. I can’t shake her either.”

Raul chuckles a bit and says

“Let’s just ignore her and look what’s going on at the graveyard, could be interesting stuff”


(HOW DO YOU KNOW IT’S LIL. Mabel I think would know it’s Lil but how does Raul know?)

(Raul heard a kid’s voice. You could assume well enough from the blood and screams that she’s crazy. I never stated that he knows who that is.)