Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(Anyways good luck, the police are coming, they heard the screams as well and are sending a patrol card)

Lil looks at her card, it’s bloody and she realizes she gened up (This is the gen 2 level up BTW, never rpd it)

(Did you RP calling the police or did you just come up with it out of nowhere.)

(Considering there was three screams at the same location, I think someone would have logically called the police or they heard :confused: )

(Nope, I’ve heard worse at apartment buildings, but OK. We’ll deal with the Police)

(:ok_hand: Lil right now is at her home cleaning her clothes and weapon)

sirens are heard outside Mabel’s apartment and the police enter the building ( @Monkke & @PolikShadowbliss I can be the police if thats okay?)

(Well Mabel and Raul have done nothing wrong so —)

(well there is blood outside their apartment so they will likely want to ask questions)

Raul takes off his mask and puts it away along with his weapon. He opens the door.


Police: Hi we would like to ask you a few questions about three murders that took here tonight along with the blood outside your apartment

Raul uses his first ability, persuasion has a higher chance now.

“Sorry officer. Me and my girlfriend just woke up here. We don’t know anything about it. Maybe you should check the other apartments?”

@discobot roll1d20

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Mabel looks at him and mouths.

‘Girlfriend?! I’m seventeen.’


@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 10

Raul looks at Mabel and looks annoyed, indicating that he was lying to the officers.

(You somewhat pass)

Well uh… I have a job and there is blood outside your room so I’m sorry I have disturbed you (he is now extremely uncomfortable and will like leave if things get too awkward)

Anyways where you in the last ten minutes

Raul nods and smiles

“Here. I’ve been here for the last few days.”