Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

( Then your text will be taken the wrong way at times. )

(thats your fault)

I don’t like her, g.
I’m going to go to my room to rest and hopefully help more later

( Not really, in RP. ( ) are used for OOC stuff. Can’t really blame me. )

(we are out of chat right now)

she takes out a knife Can you let me in or else these graves might get messy~

(Holds are actions italics are narration)

(noz we let you in ages ago)

(boi when)

(this is when)

(wait never mind, recton everything I did past fade opening the door, I dun goofed)

(yes you did)

did the cops not put a restraining order on you before?

Yay! she is in a hoodie and her blond hair is covered with a few strands of hair coming out, there is also some red on her hair

Now they just sent me home since I was so distraught I must not being thinking clearly

you wanted us to let you cut us with a knife

(also for a restraining order you would need to go too a court for that)

You wouldn’t play!

Jacques becomes wary, and summons an illusion in front of him, while blending and stepping backwards.

(I am a grave keeper not a lawer)