Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(I’m broken so I take nap now)

(Switch True with Neutral and you’re all good. Neutral Evil and Neutral Good, google it. True Neutral stays)

(it’s Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil)
(We say “True Neutral” because “Neutral Neutral” just sound weird)

(Guys I opened the door and said something to fade and jacques before Noz showed up, this is akward…)

(door was locked before you came in)

(then we got a problem in the RP LUL)

(because why would I not lock a door when zombies are attacking?)

(Just come right now)

(Ok I’l just RP that I just arrive at the mess.)

Thomas arrives at the house and bangs on the door.

Let me in! also I have company incoming that are friends of mine. Just open the door, I’ll cover my friends!

(Can zombies even use door handles?)

(I rather not risk it)

unlocks the door and lets him in

@Monkke @Damafaud @JammySplodge

Thomas yells the following to Drynold and co.

Get in guys! I’ll cover!

Thomas shoot ssome mana balls at the nearby undead.

(how many people get inside?)

(Me, Drynold, Albert, Mary and Alice? Not sure about Alice)

so how are the undead going?

Mary comes inside, still confused

(Just so you guys know, anybody who was at that first library trip with everybody should recognise me, but only when I come back downstairs)

On second thought, I’ll be right back…
Here, let me get some paper and pencil, this way I can try this out…
struggles with effort This is kinda difficult
he manages to write out ‘test’ in big blocky letters
Alright, now back to the questions…
Please, continue [spirit]

well everyone just call me fade I am the keeper of this grave