Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The group begins to advance further into the cemetery, laughing, only bashing upon lone undead and hide from crowds. Heck, they even take selfies. Goddamn millenials.

(The Mod ask who’s there. Cause Lilith is inside. Should be. Cuz a horde of undead is surrounding the house now)

(I rpd being with the spirit and writing it down. I only forgot to ask the questions. That’s it. But if you insist:)
Did you see some people in front of the graves sometime before now? more specifically, did anybody look like they were casting some kind of spell? especially right before some people got out of their graves, but anytime is helpful.

(Well she is at the door because she was outside for abit.)


(So Marcus body is inside but his spirit outside?)

(I moved her inside with the paragraph long post I think. Also Jacques already opens the door for her so she’s inside)

(Oh yeah right you did. My brain is kinda dead right now :confused: )

(Yes, and his real body is on standby with a pencil and paper)

(retconing these two posts)

Mary keeps her eyes on Cal

(He can only write in semi-illegible big & blocky letters)

Spirit: People… Some comes, but none visited me… oh angel, why won’t you notice me? Why won’t you cast your divine spell to revive me?

The spirit keeps wallowing in his own pool of regrets.

(Note that most spirits are like that. They don’t really care about anything but themselves.)

Feeling the eyes at his back, Cal turns around and meets Mary’s eyes.

Cal: Something’s wrong?

It sure looks like the case.

What’s the plan?

(Oh I know)
Marcus looks indecisive for a moment, before looking once at the skeles and back at the ghost
It’s okay, if you can help me find that Angel, i can try and get him to revive you, if you like

Lil stays quiet and plots how to take someone out of the equation for her plan

Making sure you don’t try anything funny

Spirit: It’s useless! The angel has blended into a human after reviving all of the others. All others but not me…

Albert: Right now? We should probably take some weapon and burst into action. Undead has number, but they are weak individually. If everyone here has a card, annihilating them won’t be a problem if we strike at the same time…

He shakes his head

Albert: Frankly, the police can solve this themselves. But there’s something I need to check before they arrive.

He looks dazed for a moment. He doesn’t remember the memory from the alleyway at all, only founding Mary a bit familiar.

Cal: Alright…? Do I know you?

Oh for someone so concerned about my “safety” you sure forgot me pretty fast

I’ve got my eyes on you

she takes out one of her knives slowly and secretly

Cal winces as he suddenly remembers. Totally not a good impression.

Cal: Sorry. Think I was drunk or something.

She slowly backs up and tries to move to Albert

Sure you were