Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

In the library, Raul is studying with the Librarian and says

“So, anything of interest here? I assume you know the fellow librarian Lilian White, she belongs in the Olympus group, as you’re probably aware. They’re spreading magic to all the common people, which just isn’t right.”

Raul’s black card starts shivering and his eyes turn kind of darker

“I could use someone of your wisdom, we could take the cards for ourselves…”

Raul silently takes his card out from his pocket and holds it.

I’ll promise you absolute power and wealth if you decide to help me with this, think of what we could do with this power. Would you join me, create an organization which focuses on getting these cards away from the common people?

Librarian#1: Ah, no one can read that book. Some said it was written by an ancient wizard in a secret language.

Weekdays: 08.00-19.00
Weekends: 09.00-18.00


The librarian stares at Raul for a while. Then he laughs.

Librarian: I’m sorry sir, but everyone here works for Olympus Group.

He waves his hands around the room.

Librarian: We all came from different backgrounds, but Olympus Group unite us with one simple trait: Our fascination of magic. Even if I’m not chosen as an agent, I will still wholeheartedly support Olympus. Besides, that-

The man stops himself in time. He stares at the card in Raul’s hand and clears his throat.

Librarian: Anyway, Miss Lilian is the representative of Olympus Group in this city. You can talk to her if you have something to complain about.

checks his timetable for the week a funeral later today I must get ready I suspect they will arrive later. it does begin in 5 hours

(Nice translation is gonna be a puzzle huehue)

Thomas decides before going to bed to call a friend to call in a favour with the translation of the book

Thomas calls Emma but her phone jumps to her voicemail, Thomas decides to leave a message

Hey Emma, it’s Thomas here, I have come across a book in alanguage the librarian claims nobody can translate so I woundered if you could take a crack at it and figure out what I’m dealing here, alphanumeric, binary, runic etc. and maybe figure the translation out? I’ll send a few images of some of the text to you via email, I owe you one if you’d do this for me. Call me back if you got something okay?

Thomas takes the pictures and sends the email adn then decides to go to sleep realising he has now proof of truths that have been buried for centuries… what more would come to light now that they have scratched the surface? Thomas quickly falls asleep deep in thought about everything

Suddenly, his phone rings. Who might it be?

Lilian is tired. Numerous phone calls have reached her that day along with guests coming for consultation. Her eyes are open to magic now. She could identify easily Card users with her eyes. She stares at her Thoth Card for a while. The God of Writing, Magic, Measurement of Time. No god can suits her more

(Gonna ask everyone to stop answering once your chara reach the night. Planning to put up a GM post soon.)

Raul: “Alright, I’ll go meet her!”

Raul instead heads out from the library and heads to the nearby bar, ordering a drink. What does he see around?

Bar tenders and bar visitors. It seems Lilian goes home early.

Raul talks to the bartender

“What’s new here? Had a really weird day…”

Bartender: The same, as usual. Have more people coming from the library. Seems weird, huh?

answers the phone

Raul: “This Library thing is absolute madness, apparently there’s a group there who perform experiments on others and what not, but I can’t do anything alone… any ideas?”

It’s his client. He sounds strangely exhilerated.

Client: Hello? Is this Insert Business name here?


Bartender: Get a partner. Everyone comes here to mingle and flirt around.

Raul looks around for a partner, what does he see?

yes it is shade speaking. how can I help you?

(should I stop here for now or can I add some night stuff in? :P)

(what’s the time currently in the RP)

(Some are at day, some are at night. We are currently gonna get everyone to the night phase and then continue from there )


Alice wakes up, half naked, passed out on her couch, next to it is a coffee table with a couple of empty glasses

Sexy single women. The generous GM has given Raul the chance to hook up.
(By partner I mean interact with other players ffs why would I bother to make a thread if you’all gonna ignore every chance to speak with each other)


Client: Ah, the funeral service for today? I would like to cancel it. I’ll pay the deposit in full. Thank you for your cooperation!

The client moves away from the phone. Fade can faintly hear the client says, “It’s a miracle!” before he closes the line.

(You can. Just don’t move to the next day or morning or whatever you call one AM)

Someone knocks on her door