Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

A blond haired girl is by Fade’s hospital room, she is in the next room

I might, after I finished my sunday to do list.

Thomas bids Drynold farewell and heads home.

Étaín follows Thomas Uhm sir, do you know where I could stay?

fade is unconscious

(Im not even sure where i am right now)

( I’d recommend waiting for Dama. )

(at the house after the event of the zombies)

(As long as it’s nothing plot related it should be good)

(And what was I doing that while time?)

(something not helpful)


He looks at étain, a bit annoyed Fine, you can stay on my couch for the night, okay?

(Let’s say I’m still in my room, and that spirit just answered me)

(was it telling you about the good old days before anything usful XD?)

Thank you, I am in your debt.

Ok follow me. Thomas and étain head to Thomas apartment.

She follows Thomas

As soon as they get in to his apartment she plops down on the couch and sleeps

(You know when Dama @d me about answering something? It was in response to that)

Thomas takes a shower before bed, cleans up his stuff and re arranges his ammo for his pistol.

Thoma slocks his bedroom door and then falls asleep very fats as everything has exhausted him, to only think 1 week ago everything was normal…

(Whatever. Let’s say I saw the whole battle from the afterlife)
as Marcus rushes back into his body, he rushes downstairs and out of the house and to the hospital, whilst crying and barely noticing what looks like liquid darkness flowing out of his card like a fog