Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Jacques follows and decides he can’t say the truth just yet.

“My name is Jason, and Drynold was my target. I was shadowing him before your fight erupted.”


“Mabel, check if he lied or not. We don’t know if he’s trustworthy or not.”

Étaín continues holding his nose and mouth shut for a minute too long and the police arrest her

Sinsight. Mabel can now see all the sins anyone has committed in twelve days.

Raul has no new sins that Mabel doesn’t know of

(Lying is a sin btw)

Jacques has many sins, but among the newest are lying and treachery.

“He lied.”

Raul looks angry

“Not starting of well, eh… I ask again, who are you and what were you doing?”

(Can someone be the police officier arresting Étaín?)

The officers go up to Etain and one of them tries to cuff her, the sergeant says

“You’re under arrest for possible murder. Put your hands behind your back.”

Jacques looks at Mabel in confusion.

“That was the tru… Ah fuck it. You’re cardholders aren’t you? My name is Jacques. I was fighting in the graveyard. Surely you must have at least heard of that?”

I was trying to wake em up sir! He seemed dead when I got ere

“Yes, we have. As a matter of fact, we were there.”

The sergeant looks serious

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Sir I an’t did nothin wrong, why should I be arrested.

“The more the merrier, although I hadn’t noticed you. With that armor of yours, you would’ve cleared the graveyard in minutes.”

He turns to Raul.

“So, what’s your plan? Kill me?”

“Not my call, hon.”

“I’ll think about it. Lying to our face… is bad, really bad, but you did prove your worth… Show me your powers. What can you do?”

The officers attempt to arrest her. There’s 2 of them

Jacques sighs.

“I have no choice, do I?”

In one swift move, he blends with his surroundings, making him more difficult to see as he pulls out the knife he kept tucked in the back of his pants. Two Jacques appear out of thin air, surrounding Raul and Mabel. They imitate him, as he throws the knife inches from Raul. It lodges itself in the wall, but returns to Jacques hand.

“That.” He says, as he unblends, and disables his illusions while still holding the knife. It disintegrates in his hand.