Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Cal: I’m not your bud, pal.

“Whatever. The Boss saw you at the graveyard. He wants to have a word with you.”

Cal: Oh? He won’t mind if I being someone of my own, will he?

He grins. The street is empty, and he has been itching to summon some of the skeletons back

“Only one accomplice. Give him a call when you’re interested. Don’t bother giving it to the police, it’s untraceable.”

The goon gives the number to Cal

Cal: Interesting~

He enters a bar and call the number. The bar is empty apart from Alice and the bartender who comes to clean up.

(@FadeBlade whenever you’re ready)

Raul answers the phone.


Cal: Saviour Angel speaking. A dumbass gave this number to me.

“Nice nickname. The NYC Outfit would like to organize a meeting.”

Cal: Who? I don’t know anyone without at least a media exposure.

Raul sighs

“Look. If you ever need help against cardholders, call this number. We’ll be there.”

He hangs up the phone and smokes a cigarette

(dont think no one saw that)

Cal: What a weird group.

He chuckles to himself. Clearly, they’re not friendly with him either.

Cal: A drink please!

A helicopter is currently flying above the NYC skyline. Radars have trouble detecting this helicopter, as it is specialized for stealth. It is flying towards the hospital that Drynold is located in.

Inside the helicopter, a man named Justin Sionelle is reading through a file named “CLASSIFIED INFORMATION: IRON GOD”

He takes a cigar out of his mouth: “Magic users? An Iron God? Interesting to say the least.”

In it, he finds the number of the Interpol Agent Thomas Morrow. He dials the number.


Drynold calls the nurse and gets out of the bed. He is recovering well and eats some hospital food. It’s chicken and noodles

Thomas wakes up, he still has a headache but beyond that he’s mostly rested and ready for another day.

Thomas goes trough the usual morning routine this time however Thomas chose croque monsieurs as breakfast, the french sure know their breakfast he thinks while eating. While eating breakfast Thomas has the TV on on morning news.

News anchor: Last night had seemingly crazy stuff going on. In other news a shooting happened and a man looking gives a description of Drynold was brought to Metro general with a gun wound…

Thomas almost spills his coffee. Did Drynold get shot? Thomas finishes his breakfast and decides to drive to metro general and visit Drynold.


Thomas receives a call on his phone when he is about to leave, the number is unknown.

T: this is Morrow, with who am I speaking?


Speaking to the phone, Justin says: “Agent Thomas Marrow? I am Operative Justin Sionelle. I will be working with you and Drynold Storm on the Iron God project on the field. I am just arriving at the hospital, will you meet me in Drynold’s room?”

The helicopter smoothly lands on the helipad at the hospital. Justin walks out, breathes the air of New York City, and without much of a smile on his face makes his way down to Drynold’s room. The helicopter takes off, flying towards an unknown destination.

Thomas responds:

It’s Morrow, and yes I was heading there to begin with, and how do you know Drynold? (just say that you’ve been observing me or something :P)

He replies: “I have read the file on the project. We will talk later in the hospital.”

Without awaiting a reply, he hangs up the phone. He arrives to Drynold’s room and knocks on the door.

A nurse opens the door, Justin could see Drynold lying on the bed