Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Yeah he caused the undead attack and tried to kill like six or seven people

Plus I met him in an alley before and he seemed kinda rapey

If you meet anyone claiming to be a “saviour angel” then you should get the fuck away as quickly as possible

“Oh I see.”

And there’s this guy called Raul Long who probably killed Lilian

“It sure as fuck is. It seems even the government can’t keep you hidden from them.”

He takes a cigar out and attempts to light it with a spark. It is not powerful enough. He instead just brings out a lighter and lights it. He follows Thomas into the warehouse

Drynold gets in the warehouse aswell.

Inside they see racks full of crates stapled around the place, palettes and more, the typical warehouse. at the end of the pathway that the entrance is on the three can see what appears to be an elevator.

I suppose we need to be there

I mean it’s not like I particularly want to kill either of them

But nobody else is going to do it

Who’s the second one?

the Raul guy

Raul? Who’s he?

Mabel’s phone continues to ring

some sort of Mercenary I believe, so maybe he was hired to kill Lilian

well maybe I can kill him then check his phone or something

Mabel eventually picks it up.
“What is it?”

Hospital, room 201. I need to be checked out, we can talk as well

I am currently at school Lil.

Anyway I was thinking of making one of those boards you see in movies with string linking a bunch of things but I don’t really have enough pictures or newspaper clippings to make it work

Okay, where is your school? (Lil knows, but doesn’t want to seem like a stalky gurl)

(shouldve gone for that sin hearing)

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Julia gets the equipment and loads it into the SUV

Don’t you already know?