Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(lil is in a separate room nearby, not a different bed in the same one)

(different hospital room you dumkopff)

(i think*)

( Then you shouldn’t be able to see the officers. )

so what do you need officer?

Officer Daed looks at Fade

“The incident at the graveyard. We’d like to know what happened.”

Jacques’s interest piques: “Hmm… What about Lilian made her so dangerous?”

@AgentBoin (Justin not Jacques, unless you have some super eyesight or a telescope)

Justin looks at Thomas and says: “My accommodations are here, on another level. I trust that my equipment has also been transported to my room.”

(she wasnt. shes on the phone with mabel)

Lewis looks at Thomas and says

“We’ll need Drynold here if you don’t mind. We’ll inform you when the suit is ready for deployment.”

undead came to life attacked my house. and I was shot

(she is on the phone ffs)

Sure thanks,he needs to rest up anyway. I’ll let you know what I find.

Thomas leaves the same way he came in, in the elevator it automatically started moving upward, towards the surface and the warehouse.

Back outside Thomas gets into his car and drives towards Lilians apartment.

Officers both seem even more confused

“Undead…? Could you tell us more about how they appeared, you are the gravekeeper, would you have any info?”

The apartment building seems silent and empty, only a few grandmas on windows, but nothing special.

he thinks in deep thought for awhile no I was shot by a mistake when trying to fight off the undead. we never did figure out the cause of the undead.

skeletons, zombies, whatever you call them
they were the corpses as they were when they got up, so varying degrees of flesh

“Shot by who? Who were at the house?”

however there was these magical cards

“What magical cards?”

oh really G? magical cards?