Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“Alright. Any specific leads you want to catch up on?”

Raul shakes his head and goes back to yelling at goons

“Why are you putting that scaffold there? It’s the corner piece for fuck sake…”

Jacques turns away and walks to the driver.

“Raul wants you to take me to the city,” and without awaiting for an answer, gets in the SUV.

The driver nods and starts the car. They start moving towards the city

“So, where shall I take ya?”

“Yes. What of it?”

Jacob reaches into his jacket and pulls out a picture of Raul that he got from the web.
“This man’s name is Raul Long, I’m searching for him. Have you seen him? He was at the library the other day.”

“No. Haven’t seen him. Why?”

The irony is that she is telling the truth; she hasn’t seen him since the incident.

“Personal reasons. I’m trying get in touch with him.”

“Well, I can’t help you there.”

Mabel makes a mental note to tell Raul.

“Understood. Thanks for your time.” Jacob ignites the photo of Raul, tosses it on the ground behind him, and turns to walk away.

Muriel turns the sign in front of her shop to open. Not long after, her phone rings. The person on the other side of the phone makes her freezes.

Muriel: Albert!

A voice answers from the storage room

Muriel: My sister is moving. She just bought the store in front of us.
“Good, good.”
Muriel: Her fiance is moving with her.
Muriel: Isaac Black is her fiance.
“Well, congratu- what?”

He sticks his head from the room

Albert: That Isaac Black? The same Olympus Agent with level one clearance?
Muriel: The very one. He asks for a meeting in 30 minutes.
Albert: …then we should get ready.

Cal goes around to hospital rooms with a cameraman in tow, recording how he heals people

Alice looks at her card and sees that she has Gen-up and says, ‘cool I guess’ and try it. The bar is now very festive. She decides to take a walk.

(does Cal see me?)

(basically, is this happening or not, because i would preferably like to know before Tuesday)

(its happening now simon)

(yeah, but it might not because of some important role cal plays later on. i dont know)

(I think)

Julia gets a phone call

Hey mom…yeah I should be able to…might be late because I’m doing some, uhh, volunteer work…yeah yeah okay…oh please don’t…mom stop it its wierd…yes I know that you’ve made it abundantly clear but it’s still freaky…okay I gotta go now byeeeee

She hangs up and sighs

On one of his visit, Cal visits Fade’s room

Cal: Yo, Fade. How’re you doing?

I feel like death is crawling his way into me (is the cameraman man with him? and am I able to use my gen 3 power?)

(Yes to both)

Cal: I know that feeling, man. Literally. Oh, this is Carl from Six O’clock News. Don’t mind him.