Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The patrol cars arrive and take the hillbillies away. Officer Daed looks at Justin

“I don’t know anything else. They only confirmed the existance of magical cards, Fade is the gravekeeper at the graveyard, apparently there was a fight between the cardholders, I don’t know.”

Daed looks at his watch and says

“Oh shit, my wife is gonna kill me. Got to go.”

“Alright. Thank you for the information, Officer. Good luck with that wife of yours.”

Justin thinks he should pay this Fade a visit.

Jacob pockets the piece of paper and immediately turns and heads to the address written.
“Gotta catch raul before it’s too late… Thanks, mister.”

Lucille BlackNight: when it becomes morning she gets ready and heads out to school taking her card with her. she walks to the school bus like always waiting for it to arrive

such a nice day it is.

Mabel goes to school again. Since it’s monday.

(honestly you couldve played that off by having her approach the doors, then realize they’re locked, and be like “oh. sunday. you sneaky guy”)

(I tend to overlook things.)

the bus arrives and Lucille gets on it

It’s actually Sunday. Too many people RPing on Sunday. I was going to go with inconsistant time and have the Sunday RPs be flashbacks but Monkke insists.

Jacob arrives at Lilian’s apartment and attempts to head inside. (What’s the front door like? Locked, unlocked, damaged? What do I find inside? Jacob is specifically looking for clues to Raul’s location and/or Lilian’s kidnapping.)

The door’s kicked in and the apartment looks messy. There’s been a fight here. Maybe the neighbours would know?

(If the door is kicked in) Jacob starts by heading in and examining every room closely, again looking for any signs of lilian’s kidnapping or traces of Raul.

He could see a head size hole in the wall, someone was hit against it. The room is still cold from the fight.

(Is there anything around that would give me any information i didn’t already have?)

Two officers enter the room and look at Jacob

“Greetings. Who are you?”

( Not really, I’ll give you enough info through the officers)

“I’m looking for a missing person, she’s a friend who used to work at the library. I believe she was taken by this man.” Jacob pulls out the picture of Raul and shows it to them. “Do you know anything?”

One of the officers walk up to Jacob and says:

“Usually… I wouldn’t tell you anything… but this is such a dead end for us so we could use some help… Raul Long was here. There’s CCTV footage of him here. She was indeed kidnapped by his crew, they all escaped in a car soon after and that’s what we’ve got. I’d suggest looking for other “magical card” users and finding out info through them.”

“What? The Police are in on these cards too? How much do you know?”

Officer Daed frowns

“This is all we know. Chief told us to just look into it.”