Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

the shade keeps attacking

Cal:Stay back!
He says to the cameraman to move away. Again, he avoids the shade and tries to hit it

(what happens when he hits the shade?)

(Cal is just human so I guess the shade deform/burst?)
(Itā€™s only a Gen 1 power after all)

the shade bursts in a aura of shadow and fade never returned to the room

(@Damafaud so now what?)

fade returns to the graveyard and because of the fact its night should be easier not to be seen

You find lil sleeping on the outer edges of the forested area

(I donā€™t go near the forest)

(Well too bad as I want interaction so you now have truesight on Lil)

he revents to his normal form

my head. where am I?

he sees lili sleeping and walks to her

whats the freak doing here?

she wakes up rubbing one eye, the other one has an eyepatch on it

why are you sleeping out here

Because I like the natureā€¦also how are you out?

I have no idea. one second I was being healed by Cal. the other I am on the other side of the street

Can I sleep in your house?

I donā€™t know. you may stab me

like you stabbed Cal