Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Let me guess. You want my help for you to gain more power.

sighs Youā€™re right, no lying to you is thereā€¦ But I can give you more power, regardless of myself getting more of it. You will gain more with me than without.

So you want my power to help you gain more power?
That is ā€¦ interesting to say the least.

Itā€™s a bad way of putting it. Iā€™ll help you gain power, all I want is to gain power too. We could influence cities, nationsā€¦ But weā€™ve got to stop the Olympus Group. They probably have more of these cardsā€¦ Imagine every ā€œheroā€ having the card. Youā€™d get busted, Iā€™d get busted, we need eachother.

Raul raises his hand for a handshake

Do we have a deal, partner?

Slowly she shakes it.

(dama how long until the thing known as night time?)

(I just need to hold things until I woke up. Sorry! Moving to night now)

The 6 PM News have never been this busy. It is not the scale of a grand event that causes the extra work, but the numerous reports of amazing turn of small events in major cities. Cases of miraculous recovery from incurable diseases in New York City. Sudden appearance of highly trained vigilantes in Shanghai. The appearance of a new illegal drug on the street of Manila. The attention of the whole world seems to be focused on the major cities.

In a small alleyway in New York, a sickly girl is laying on torn cardboard. Her cough colours her pitiful bed with taint of red. She has given up on her life. She ignores the footsteps that quickly approaching her and the subdued melody of music. No one would care about one sickly beggar.

The footsteps stops. A figure bents down over the girl, like saying a final prayer. Greyish aura oozes from his hand into the girl. Her coughing stops. With a small grin on his face, the man hurriedly leaves the alleyway. He just saves another soul. Or pawn as he loves to say it.

Name: Cal Sophia
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil
Backstory: REDACTED

Card Generation: 3rd
Card Backstory REDACTED
Card Power:

  1. Deceitful Strength
  2. Law Evasion
  3. Death Evade

(so it has become night?)


head towards the house of my target with the cover of night

Media vans are parked in front of the house. Looks like the media is there.


this may be harder then I thought. I canā€™t do anything with the protection of watchful eyes

heads home

It looks like they are having a live interview.

trys to overhear the conversation some infomation would be nice

(I am also wearing a different outfit to what I normally wear)

A small tap is felt in Fadeā€™s person back

turns around to see a little girl what are you doing out at this hour?

Iā€™mā€¦Iā€™mā€¦looking for a graveā€¦

a grave?