Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(and that is now)

@Marluxion @Agentboin
Albert: Godcards… To begin with, Godcards are a project created by Olympus Group and the cards are spread all around the world. The sole goal of Olympis Group is to repurpose magic in this world.
Muriel: It may be hard to believe, but magic did exist in the old time. But with the development of technology, magic is put aside, seen as work of devil, and eventually died. However…
Albert: Magic will revive. The Godcards proof that. And Olympus Group has succeeded. The Undead Wave last night? The increased number of mutated animals? It is all magic.

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Xander picks up his phone.
“Simmons and Roll’s Law Offices, Xander Simmons speaking. How can I help you?”

Graveyard, 15 minutes. Drop everything this is important. It’s the person with the eyepatch

“I’ll be there in 10.” Xander closes his flip phone and walks to his car and drives to the graveyard.

Cal: …I need to go now.

He leaves the bar. Alice stares at him curiously.

Alice: …doesn’t he look like someone?

she decides to follow him



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(An insane person :laughing: )
Xander pulls up to the graveyard, parks his car and walks inside. He looks around, searching for Lil.

Lil is at the gate smoking and mutters Blind bat

Over here you idiot she snuffs out her cigerette

“eh… Didn’t see you there, kid. What’s the news?”

I have a plan, I just need a gun…

Cal enters the cemetery through a different gate.

Cal: …come out. I can smell your breath.

Alice reveals herself

Alice :hiccup What are you doing here?
Cal : I can ask you the same. Are you following me?
Alice: Yeah.

Cal: Why?
Alice: You look like you are having fun.
Cal: So?
Alice: I’m bored.

Cal: Whatever. Don’t blame me if you get attacked or something.

He enters the cemetery

(mfw… so he just like walks right between Lil and I?)

(Differnt entrance)

(oh oke)

“Easy enough. What’s in it for me?”

3 hits, I get rid of three annoying people for you…

So do we have a deal?

“eh… I can get rid of people myself, it’s kinda my thing.”
Xander smirks
“You don’t really need a gardener when you have a green finger, you know?”
“What if instead you do me a favor once you get that card back?”