Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

fade locks the door as she leaves and heads upstairs**

now what did you wanna talk about?

marcus follows
i think i have an idea for the gun
i remember 2 people that have passed recently
oneā€™s an ammunition expert, and the other was in forensics
maybe we could see what sheā€™s been up toā€¦

in what way? (gonna have to rp later I needed to go now)

you remember my card right? well, the spirits are a bit selfish, but usually they can cooperate in exchange for the right favors
(alright. bye fade)


Raul starts using his social media to find Cal in any way. He is also driving around the city, hoping to find him.

Inside the Interpol secret facility

Drynold: ā€œHow are we doing with the project?ā€

Researcher: ā€œItā€™s going very well. The suit part is almost done. Itā€™s material that is lighter than aluminium but stronger than titanium.ā€

Drynold: ā€œGood. We canā€™t let those evil people destroy this city.ā€

His eyes is filled with greed for a moment, but he hides it

Cal: Hm, so I just tell you all I know and the money is mine? Sounds very suspicious.
Alice: Yeah.
Cal: Doll, I have zero idea why Iā€™m still letting you tag along.
Alice: Want a swig?
Cal: I told you- what are you drinking?
Alice: Wine.
Cal: ā€¦thatā€™s vintage port wine from 1992. And you just drink it straight from the bottle.

She takes another gulp

Cal: ā€¦doll, how about you and I work together?
Alice: Alice.
Cal: What?
Alice: Iā€™m Alice. hiccup

She stretches her hand before turning to her side and sleeps.

A teenage girl takes a photo of Cal around the cemetery
(Idk what you want to know)

ā€œYes, accurate information on the person who raised the dead is all Iā€™m after.ā€
Xander smirks. ā€œSince youā€™ve caught on to the fact that Iā€™m not a cop, where am I taking the two of you?ā€

Raul drives to the cemetery and starts investigating the area

ā€œTheyā€™re not around hereā€¦ā€

Cal: Letā€™s seeā€¦ Rose Bar will do. Itā€™s a short distance from the library.

the girl is with her friends. Yes, sheā€™s not a shut in. Donā€™t be surprised. She has a social media after all.

Boy: Hey, Clara. Thatā€™s your dad?
Clara: No way! I told you heā€™s in the army.

Sergeant Daed raises his eyebrow (replying to Albert obviously)

ā€œWhere does the Olympus Group come from? Do you know anything about them?ā€

Raul and the goons walk up to the group.

Xander remains silent for the rest of the car ride while driving to the bar.
As they pull into the Barā€™s parking lot, Xander says ā€œCome. Letā€™s discuss this further inside.ā€

Albert shakes his head

Albert: Its origin? Iā€™m only an agent with level one clearance. The information I have is on a need to know basis.

Boy: Hey, you have something against us or something?

They are in a cafe

Cal follows, supporting Alice with his shoulder.

Cal: Sure, sure. Take a corner table, will ya?

Daed: ā€œThere are agents? How did they contact you?ā€

Raul just stands back and watches the teenagers

Goon: "You kids took a picture of ā€œThe Saviour Angelā€. Where is he?

Xander sits a a table in the back corner of the bar with no one nearby. He sets his keys and godcard on the table where they are both easily visible.

Albert: Through Miss Lilian. She has a higher clearance than us. Butā€¦

Clara: Um, near the cemetery? I mean, I even tagged the place.
Boy: You from the forty or something? That outfit is so like a mafia.

Cal glances at the card
Cal: You sure you want to air your card around like that?

ā€œAh. So youā€™re familliar with these cards then?ā€ Xander picks his up and causes a breeze to pass by the racks with bottles of wine, causing them to shake a bit. ā€œMine is merely useful for parlor tricks, it seems.ā€