Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Jacob nods. “Alright. I’ll be here.” He turns to leave, heading back to his apartment.

Information on the saviour angel, Raul Long and his NYC Outfit. But the most important thing is, I can get more information for you after all I have certain talents. But of course what is it you want to know?

Muriel: NYC Outfit… Very well. Do tell what you have.

Very well. The NYC Outfit is led by Raul Long who has 4 godcards. The only other member I know of is Mabel who has quite the set of manipulative and offensive powers.

Muriel: Four? Are you not wrong?

I am? I know he has his own, Drynolds, Lilains and attacked drynold and took his card and Lils. Unless you know more than I do? Raises an eyebrow

Muriel: N-no. I never thought he would have that much on his hand… Is that all you know? That is very limited.

As I said, I could always get more information, you just have to say what and who.

Thomas is thinking at top speed and realizes that Raul might not have Lilians card, but who does then?


Muriel: Tell me what are the cards owned hy The Outfit.

Thomas thinks a bit

Well I don’t know the figures exactly. I know Raul Long has something with gangsters as his own card and Mabels card I wouldn’t know actually, all I do know is she can change into sand and move in that form.

Thomas realize she has actually nil information, this needs to change. Just tell me what exactly you want to know and I’ll try and find the information.

(poor Thomas just wants to find dat secret lul)


Muriel: How about their other members? Ah, or to throw another matters out, regarding the card of Saviour Angel. Do you have clues about him?

(Lol no. Thomas better off in Elf Stationary Shop lol)

the Saviour Angel? His name is Cal, has malicious intentions, can raise the undead. SO the card grants him superhuman reflexes and strength as I have observed and can raise the undead no clue what figure that is but that’s all I got on him.

SO you going tot ell me something or do I first need to get more information on the outfit or the saviour angel, and specifics please.

Thomas starts to get a bit annoyed but he doesn’t let that leak into his voice or expression

Muriel: Very well. About Lilian, her core family was no longer around, you see. I had helped her during her move here, so if you want to know more of her property, I can write you an introduction letter to her solicitor.

Thomas wonders what good that will do him, but you might never know he thinks to himself

Sure why not. Any information your particularly looking for that you want?

Muriel: The card held by everyone. Frankly,with level zero clearance, we can’t access Olympus Database. Anything of sort would be very useful.

Thomas raises an eyebrow

You didn’t inquire about my card. Thomas shows his card. It has Merlins figure on it

I’d prefer if you keep this information in between yourself and Albert.

Muriel: Naturally, naturally. The information I receive will be put on sale.

she puts a finger to her lips

Muriel: But some truth are better concealed. Is thst all?

That is all.

Thomas realizes that if level 0 clearance didn’t have access to this database, maybe that implies Lilian did?

Muriel: Come again later.

It’s a ckear sign of dismissal

I’ll see you again if I have more information. Don’t forget about the letter.

Thomas leaves the shop, Jacob has already left it seems. Thomas decides that there might be more information to gain revisiting Lilians apartment and the library. He decides to revisit the apartment after he has been put in contact with this “solicitor”. Instead Thomas decides to drive home and use internet to find more information.

@Monkke (maybe an event for Thomas on the way home? and don’t go ballistic with it lul)