Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

no thank you.

You sure kid? They calm ya

no thanks. ive seen precisely what they can do to people
he doesnt seem sad/remorseful/etc (it had nothing to do with his parents)

(i guess he looks slightly disgusted at a memory)

Your loss kid. She goes to the kitchen for a knife Since I donā€™t have a gunā€¦ Iā€™m getting something for protection

i would prefer it if you didnt
i dont technically have the power to stop you, but i would like to request that you not get weapons from this house

She takes out the biggest knife How else am I supposed to protect myself

im not saying dont get a weapon
just not from here

Then give me my gun back.

:man_shrugging: like i said, no real authority

She puts her knife in her hoodies pocket Iā€™m going to sleep somewhere else, I donā€™t trust you yetā€¦

i will ask once more for you to leave that knife.
if you need weapons, just use one of the ones you hid

but leave the knife
that way, when you inevitably get into trouble, we can say we had no idea you had those weapons there

Hehehehe. No

Also what things? I donā€™t know what you are talking about

the stuff you hid around the graveyard
you know, when the zombies were here?

I donā€™t know what you are talking about She takes out the knife and starts advancing on him

She puts her hand on his shoulder Sometimesā€¦ itā€™s better to forget things. Isnā€™t that right she smiles

hold on here, lets not get hasty.
i have not told anyone else, nor do i plan to if i can avoid it.

She brings the knife back You need to know when not to stalkā€¦hehehe