Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(Can Cal sense people that are supposed to be dead?)

(That’s Fade)

(btw according to dama ghosts are no longer bound by range, so im assuming we’re retconning marcus telling lil to wait)

(:wink: So let us know what happens on our way to the shack or what the shack looks like when we get there. @Monkke )

Sophie receives an anonymous box while working overtime on a case more money to get someone off? I’m on a demanding case already

Fade lets raul and the others inside

anyway, lil, taxi-man, let us go to the graveyard
taxi-man, i understand you have business you must attend to, but i promise i will help with that as soon as we get to the graveyard

glad you all could make it (@JammySplodge @PolikShadowbliss @Daericul @Monkke)

I suspect cal is on his way as we speak. so now that I have gotten Cal out in the open. what do you want done with him?

cal likey was at the rose bar when we called because that is where I gave that drunk girl her number

Very well. Lil goes to the graveyard to say goodbye to two people

Mabel looks at the graveyard.

I am weary. This is his terrain. I have a feeling this is not going to go the way we think.

Note: She is speaking in a deep brass voice and also, Lil doesn’t know Mabel in this form.

Raul looks around and says

“Close quarters. The undead will take more time and we can get a hold of him. We fight hin here.”

@PolikShadowbliss @Damafaud @Daericul @JammySplodge

Mabel nods.

“I can do that.”


Cal calls Fade once again

Cal: Hey, Sir Undead.


so, mr. taxi-man, what is your name?

Fade answers his call and l leave the room whats up fade here?

(@Ami, instead of rp’ing it, since it shouldve happened before the cal thing technically, are you cool with just kinda glossing over it?)

and can you stop calling me sir undead? we both know thats not the case
