Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

now get into position I will lure him to the spot but he may attack me as soon as the door is opneed

Mabel is already in postion so.

@FadeBlade @Monkke @Polikshadowbliss @Daericul

Cal walks around, thinking on how to approach Fade. He idly reanimate corpses as he walks.

Ah, right. There is that case with Lord of Undead, too. He thinks to himself.

Then an idea strike him

(gotta go now rp later)


There is a knock on Misty’s door.

Misty answers it.


She only opens the door a crack, keeping herself and her beauty, hidden.


“Damn, she’s a real beauty!”

The man exclaims out of surprise and delight.

“More than me, darling?”

The woman next to him pouts

“Yes, but I still prefer you, sweet Mary. We are getting out of topic here! Can you give this to your parent, babe?”

The man hands out a business card. It’s for a modelling agency. A strange thing he tolds her to give it to her parents.


She goes to give the card to her parents.


The woman grabs her hand

Miriam: And this is for you!

She hands her another card. It says Elf Stationary Shop at the front, but the back of the card has the symbol of Godcard

Misty looks at the card and the back. And then just shuts the door.

“Mom, dad, I am going out for a bit!”

Her parentsmutter a crypted answer from their room. Isaac and Miriam are waiting by the door

Isaac: You are simply marvelous!
Miriam: Isaac, no flirting out of work!
Isaac: I understand, darling. So, Miss Misty. Can we go now?

Misty eyes them both distrustfully.

“How do I know I can trust you?”

They both laugh

Isaac: You can’t, Misty White. We are not really a goodie two shoes like the old Lilian White.
Miriam: But we can help you…maybe. Hmm… Actually, it’s highly unlikely, but you will be able to be more beautiful than this. Isn’t it great?

Misty glares at them. Gods, even her glare is beautiful.

“I just want to control my beauty. I don’t want pervs to be gwaking at me all day and night because apparently my very touch can cause people to faint.”

Strange that bashful disappeared pretty quickly, it’s almost as if her beauty is slowly getting into her head.

Isaac: You are completely irresistable! Do you know the card can develop new ability when they grow in power?
Miriam: Maybe a power to enhance jealousy. One to make someone madly in love. Who knows?

Isaac: A power to hide your beauty instead, perhaps?

T-that would be nice.

By the way that girl in the pic, is the way she normally looks without enhancements. Just imagine but with perfect photoshop and breast augmentation.

Miriam and Isaac do a high five

Isaac: Let’s go to the car!
Miriam: Why not steal one again?
Isaac: Because we promise not to.
Miriam: Right. To the car!

Isaac runs off to grab his car. Miriam follows, pulling Misty with her

If this is a kidnapping! I swear I will scream!

Miriam: Don’t worry! If that happen we can all run off to Canada!
Isaac: Ah, it’s good to be bad! But being an Agent is also fun. Here we are!

Instead of a car, Isaac inserts his key to a three wheeled motorcycle with a sidecar


W-where are we going?