Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The agents yell

“Agent Morrow, are you here?”

he stands in silence for a few seconds did you not see me enter the house?

Cal: Yea, yea. You in the kitchen? I’m near the back door I think.

His footsteps echoes through the phone

Raul and the goons hide at the kitchen and at the living room

what back door? I don’t think I remember a back door

Thomas gets back on his feet, feeling like he is gonna have some nice blue spots tomorrow.

Yes I’m fine, I just ran into something interesting.

Thomas makes notes of the barrier Seems I won’t be finding out anything more here.

I’m coming down, I’m done here.


like ever existing in this house.

the only way in is throw the front door so use it like a normal person

The agents patiently wait

anyway just come inside he hangs up

(front door is also locked)

Thomas arrives at the desk.

Let’s go, I prefer to only remain her as long as neccesary.

Thoams goes to the window and gets torugh it

The agents follow Thomas

Let’s head back “home”.

Thomas goe sto his car and drives back to the base, making sure nobody followed him from the library.

The agents enter the car aswell

“What happened back there…?”

Strange things, magic barrier blocking a part of the library form prying eyes like myself. And the occasional footsteps but nobody there noise.

They arrive at the warehouse and go down to the level Drynold is on

The agents follow Thomas… Drynold is talking to a researcher

Drynold: “Alright, so it can block most weapons?”

Lewis: “Yes it can, it’s amazing how we haven’t found it before.”

Drynold sees Thomas

Drynold: “Ah! You’re alright. What happened?”

I’ll tell you in your quarter sif you’re free I got some stuff I want to show.

Drynold nods and heads to his quarters

Once they’re both in Drynolds quarters Thomas pulls his bag form his shoulder and opens it, from the bag he pulls a grimoire and a notebook.

I went to the library to find information and well tis is what I found. Nobody has seen the construction workers and there is a magical barrier on the level that is been constructed that I couldn’t break. I found this grimoire and notebook in the spot I met miss White for the first time. It’s the same spot other first cardholder smet her before she wa skidnapped and killed. I have no clue what’s going on in the library, except that it is the olympus group that is doing the construction, what are they up to?