Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(some people should ge tout of that night phase :P)

Thomas realises what he has found and decides to make breakfast and puts on the news on the tv.

While the news is inaudible for Thomas who has sunken into thought after finishing his breakfast he must make a devision. I can’t just learn all these spells at the same time. I should pick 1 element and focus on that for now.

Thomas decides to focus on air

Thomas decides to go to the chapter with air spells and reads up on those.

Thomas spends his morning studying air spells when his phone goes off, but who is calling him?

Mabel gives no notice to Jacob as he approaches, instead she just watches the door.

If Mabel isn’t giving any notice Jacob would just attempt to walk through the front door unless impeded.

Mabel finally does notice Jacob.
“Hey, you a card holder?”

Jacob looks to Mabel surprised. “Yeah! I came here looking to ask Lilian some more about it. I’m Jacob, and you are?”

“Mabel. Yeah. I got one too.”

Jacob (completely ignorant that Mabel is likely a foe) pulls out his card and ignites the palm of his left hand. “Pretty interesting, huh? I’m really curious as to how they were made… What does your card do?”

Mabel smiles a bit.
“Oh nothing much yet. I can see the Misdeeds of others and use my Voice to influence other people. There is a third ability I have yet to try out. Just got it recently.”

“Wait, your card can gain more abilities ? How does that work? Is that specific to your card or can mine to it too?”

“I assume all cards function the same way. I have been experimenting with my card and it turns out the more you use an Ability. The more - how should I say this? - your power grows. I don’t know really. It’s like the card has an invisible EXP leveling system.”

The girl is escorted home and promptly walks to where ever Mabel by walking around town

She is at the libarary entrance talking to Jacob.

she spots Mabel Hiya! Wanna play a game.

Mabel notices her.
Kind of busy here kid.

Awww…nobody wants to play a game…

Mabel turns back to Jacob.

She looks like she is going to cry

Mabel takes no notice.

at that moment she goes back to normal and pulls a knifu out

(Question for Polik, are your powers based on the soul?)