(In what context? Stable bpm?)
(is it a weak heart or a strong heart. Basically is she a weak person or a strong person. Be honest.)
(Semi strong, she’s a 14 year old girl god christ’s sake)
((Im guessing here) Like is she actually as confident as she outwardly seems, or is she nervous secretly, even if she doesnt consciously realize it)
(Then I can’t the ability.)
Mabel breaks mostly because I don’t want her to die just yet.
Alright! Alright! I will play your game. Just please put that knife down.
It’s hide and seek! You hide somewhere in the Libary and if I find you I win! If you hide and I do t find you for 10 minutes you win! Loser has to get the winner a candy bar!
Oh, it’s just that. Okay fine. I will play your game.
(Why is a fourteen year old playing hide and seek and acting like a kid?)
Sorry Jacob.
She texts Raul.
Some girl just threatened me with a knife. I have to play hide and seek with her.
(Cause she is insane) she starts counting 1…2…she closes her eyes 3…
Mabel hides.
Jacob is in the background just waching as all of this is happening. Semi freaking out since he isn’t used to violence.
20! Ready or not here I come!
(Mabel wins cause I want Mabel and her to bond <3 )
(I planned on that.)
(Lol) ten minutes later Awww man. You win. Come out from where you aree!
Mabel comes out.
Clever! Wanna go get a candy bar now?
Sure kid.
she leads Mabel out to the candy store to get a candy bar and sees Jacob Hey, wanna come with us?
“uh… s-sorry. I’ve got some business to take care of here in the library. You two go ahead.” Jacob waves nervously, semi terrified of the small girl.
(@damafaud please I want to join in. If you dont have time to respond, just like this post and I will just use similar flavor to what you’ve used in the past, and just go to the library)
Okay! Your loss, let’s go she skips down the road to a candy shop, Mabel in tow