Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Raul laughs a bit

“She gave me her number. I’m making it your job to get me info about her. Anyway possible. I’ll tend to other matters… the woman who betrayed us…”

Raul hands the number to Jacques

(Start RPing with Dama den)

“I think so.”

“Now, if you will excuse me.”

She hangs up.

Jacques nods.

“Get a white room ready, and I might need a goon or two. How powerful is she?”

Raul shrugs

“She can be very powerful… be careful. I’ll give you one goon, I’ll need rest of them.”

if I was able to find her house. its only a matter of time before Raul finds it. I should keep it underguard.

fade begins a stake out off Ana’s house

Inside the house

“…mom, I can do it.”
“Hal, it’s not like that-”
“Yes it is! You never notice me as much as Cal! Cal this, Cal that, and after he recovered and received that stupid power, you ignored me even more!”

The boy slams the door closed as he leaves the house

(@Damafaud Can mary cross the barrier as mist?)

starts to follow the kid

staying in school to do some paperworks

“Honestly, this papers is unending. Is there anything fun to do?”

She can’t cross the barrier even in mist form

Albert walks down.

Albert: It’s like an apartment up there. Big enough for 10 people.

The kid goes to a convenience store

“Oh, there was a package for you delivered earlier today.”

A janitor passes him a package

jolting up from chair in excitement
“Really? Thank you sir! I shall check it immeadeately.”
went to check the package

“An… Apartment? Strange. Do you think she was intending to hide someone in the library?”

It’s a small package. As large as a post card

Albert: I don’t think so. Lilian died before this construction was finished

“True… So what’s it’s purpose then?”

Carefully observing the package

“What…is this? It has my name as the recipient of the package.”

Open the package with knife

Albert: I don’t know. But I think it will be a good idea for me and Muriel to move here. We can have more resources.

Isaac: Yes, yes! The rooms are built, so why not use it?

Isaac enters the conversation

Isaac: I’m taking dibs on the room facing west.
Albert: You can’t do that! Muriel owns this place.
Miriam: But that’s the airiest room up there!

Miriam exclaims. She holds a picture book in her hand

Miriam: Beside, that room has a king bed!
Isaac: With lots of pillow!
Miriam: Pillows!

Inside the box, there are two cards; A black and a white one

read the black card details thoroughly

“Well, at least you’ll be able to get some use out of the place.” Jacob says, leaning up against the barrier. “And this thing aught to protect you from Raul… Not so much from his goons, though.”