Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

As Mabel touches the card, her body does a violent shiver and every pole of her being feels loose and her body dissolves into a pile of sand. Mabel gasps in shock only to realize that she has somehow maintains conscience despite her condition. In an attempt to recollect herself, she flies across the room in her sand form and unintentionally flies out of the window. She screams in terror as the ground rushes toward her, and then suddenly she is on her feet again. She pats herself down in shock and looks at her card, just as it stops glowing. Her mouth agape.

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(uh… since i missed the conversation with Matthew and the Librarian) Unless interrupted Jacob is likely at the library trying to find information on the cards, checking around for any books on the subject.

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(@FadeBlade I tried to enter the house sneakily, probably before Cal left, and i think it would be good conflict build-up if you caught me entering)

(but until then, lets do some gen grinding)
(lets say this is before entering the house)
Marcus repeats the same actions as with the first spirit; Entering, greeting, politely making sure they know they’re dead, and then doing whatever he can to put their souls at rest, taking down information pertinant to mortal-plane actions until calming 4 more souls
he smiles equally sweetly to the graves that are empty when he arrives, knowing that the’re happy
(doing this in bulk mainly to save you the work of character creation, but please do note any interesting events, like say a couple whose souls appear together)

(sounds good)

he sees Marcus enter what were you doing out so late?

Nothing G! really!
I promise i wasnt doing anything

(ooh, maybe Marcus regularly visits his dad, but do to his teenager-ness refuses to talk about it)

Cal: This is your son?

looks uncomfortable
um, hi. Im Marcus

no I am just his guardian Cal

Cal: Nice to see you. Call me Cal.

He turns to Fade

Cal: It’s getting late. See you other time.

He leaves the graveyard

Hey G, who was that?

Thomas notices Jacob and decides to chat with him

You must also have a card right? Thomas shows his card and then puts it back where it came from

Jacob has his nose in a large dusty mythology book, and doesn’t even turn to face Thomas as he speaks to him. “Uh…Yeah. I’m Jacob and you are?” Jacob continues flipping through pages at an above average pace.

my name is Thomas, and the least I can do is tell you your looking into the wrong books.

Matthew was confused. What happend?

“I-im so sorry! of course i pay for it! how much did it cost?! oh my god im so sorry!”

“uh… alright. Where do you propose I look instead?”

The librarian waves his apology aside

Librarian: Olympus will cover it. We have insurance for the property here, as long as it’s not the building itself.

You should look in the section with the grimoires, there’s some interesting stuff there. I’ll show you

He heads towards the section with jacob in tow when he notices a bit of commodity at the receptionist desk.

What’s going on there?

“Im so sorry, im so sorry”
Matthew bows a bunchbof times