Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(oh, so thats totally a coincidence?)

Lilian puts on a coat. Itā€™s a bit late for bus, so she calls a taxi.


Once she arrives at the Libarary, she sees one of the most beautiful woman she has ever seen standing there, waiting for her at the entrance, so much so, in fact that she is probably questioning her sexuality right now. She also probably notices that the woman is not holding herself with a lot of confidence, she is actually seeming to hide in herself, almost like a child.

Lilian arrives at the library to the surprise of Albert. Not long after, a woman enters. Sheā€™s entraced. She only has the basic identity of all cardholders, but sheā€™s sure there isnā€™t one with such beautiful appearance. She detects magic radiating from all over her body. What gen she already on?

Lilian: Welcome to Olympus Library. How can I help you at this time of the night?

I need ---- whatā€™s happening to me!?

(Believe it or not first gen.)

Lilian: I beg your pardon?

Aside from being an astounding beauty, what could be wrong?

(im trying to have a convo with @FadeBlade right now)
(other than that im just piping in every now and then

Why do I have boobs!? Whatā€™s wrong with my voice?!

Lilian: Iā€¦ donā€™t think I understandā€¦?

Was she more beautiful before and now sheā€™s mad because she gets uglier? Jealousy has limits.



(ā€˜was she more beautiful beforeā€™ Beauty has its limits, dama, and via magic sheā€™s reached hers)

Lilian: ā€¦what?

Sheā€™s stupefied. This gorgeous beauty, with figure she can never get even in 100 years because of stupid genetic is 12 years old?

Yes. Iā€™m supposed to be ā€¦ twelve and then I got this card and then I became ā€¦ this.

(I love how it all makes sense once the card is revealed.)

Drynold is still examining the crime scene, the police havenā€™t arrived yet. He sees Jacob and dismisses him as a bystander

A note is left in Lilianā€™s apartment door while sheā€™s in the library

(Is there still wreckage of the car around or has it been cleaned up? Also is this like obviously a crime scene?)

(Itā€™s still obviously a crime scene. The police havenā€™t just arrived yet as theyā€™re a bit busy)

Lilian: Ah, thatā€™s understandable.

Completely. She doesnā€™t know the effect of most of the cards.

Lilian: Do you bring the card with you?