Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

“Maybe focus on the card? I’m not exactly sure if all cards work the same way. I’m Jacob by the way, I forgot to introduce myself.”

Drynold focuses on the card and on Jacob… suddenly, his eyes turn blue and he looks Jacob straight in the eyes. He looks for about 5 seconds and then his eyes turn normal again. He puts the card in his pocket and says:

“You’re a good person, you have a good heart, I could sense it”

“Uh… Thanks. I need to go, I have to get to the hospital ASAP. I need to figure out what happened to that mobster and Lilian.” Jacob turns and starts to head back towards the hospital Drynold mentioned.
“Good luck in your investigation. Adios.”

Drynold grabs Jacob by the shoulder

“Hey, hold on!. Listen, if there is a mobster involved and a magic person, I’m interested in it. Also, the mobsters can be dangerous, let’s go there together.”

I received some sort of “card” in the mail and i’m a little confused

“Sure, feel free to tag along. Let’s go.”

“My car or yours?”

“uh… I … Don’t have a car. So if you’re offering, let’s take yours.”

“Alright, cool. Jump in”

Drynold’s car is quite messy, but what can you expect from a private investigator?

(So Jacob and Drynold proceed to the hospital in search of Lilian. Whadda we find?)

Albert: Simply explained, You are chosen by Olympus Group to hold a godcard. The card gives magical power to its holder. The ability is written on the back. The goal of Olympus Group is to spread magic back in society, so please use the card however you want.

@Magnasword2 @Monkke
Lilian is discharged earlier in the evening as her wound isn’t really severe. The doctor advices her to rest at home.

After Jacob leaves with the grimoire containing basic elementary spells Thomas looks puzzled

Seems I won’t be seeing that book again. Thomas picks up the ball of paper and holds it int he air with the wind spell that allows him to control wind with his thought Then Thomas decides to walk home, but on the way decides to go the hospital that Lillian was admitted to hoping to get some answers. During the entirety of the walk the ball of paper flies behind Thomas on the wind, but Thomas doesn’t really care.

Is there any reason I was chosen or was it random?

Drynold asks

“And I’m guessing you’re not willing to give us Ms. White’s address either…”

He turns to Jacob and says

“Maybe she’s already in the library, we might want to go there and check it out.”

Albert: The picking porcess is only known to those with higher clearance. I can’t answer that.

Receptionist: Of course not.

@Damafaud “What about Raul? Is he here?” (to the receptionist)

Thomas arrives at the hospital and notices Jacob at the reception with another man

Funny to run into you here again Jacob.

I see, well thanks anyway

She heads to the exit

Receptionist: Mr. Raul’s current location is still unknown, if you see the news.

“I see. Well then, thanks for nothin!”
Jacob turns and starts to head out of the hospital when he sees Thomas. “Uh… Hey, what’re you doing here? Didn’t we meet just a few minutes ago in the library?”