Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

A police line is already put around the wreckage. There’s a faint line pf a glyph on the car seat, but it almost gone

Lilian: There is no need. It is a matter between the two of us.

“No. He attacked me as well. It’s personal. I won’t let him go around attacking innocent people.”

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(How many officers are there?)

Thomas checks the tracks at the graveyard, noticing 3 leading to the same house at the end of the graveyard but 1 also leads back out of the graveyard, must be the saviour angel Thomas thinks and follows the trail, where does it lead him?

Lilian: Both as an agent and a cardholder, I will not pursue revenge. You may do so and I will do nothing to interfere.


(None. They’re taking the tow car)

(How can you track it again)

Raul starts waiting for the officers in a nearby abandoned building, he grabs his gun and puts a silencer on it, he will start waiting

(1. Note Cal has left already)

(Not sure what Mabel is doing right now.)

So what’s your name anyway?


Nice name, I’m Mary

hello mary.

So you say your card, or whatever it actually is, changed you?

How so?

I used to be a kid and now I’m this!

A kid!?

Holy shit!

(Dama tell me when officers arrive)2


I may need to go somewhere and throw up soon, but that can wait

Now we really need to get you somewhere safe


Probably your place, your parents may be “acting weird” but it’s sure as hell safer than being outside, alone, looking like that