Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Drynold grabs the gun and drives infront of the barn, he walks up to the tow truck and investigates it.

“Seems like they’re inside.”

Mabel watches from the roof.

Drynold quickly spots Mabel due to his ability

“Someone’s on the roof.”

Thomas gets out his hands ready to use any spell he has in his arsenal In a whispering voice:

They obviously have heard us drive up here and stop, so we should be really careful.

Okay well…do that I guess

“I’ll go through back, you’ll go from front”

Drynold silently walks to the back of the barn and enters quietly through the backdoor.

Thomas looks up. How did she get there? Thomas quickly realizes the person must be a cardholder, but who?

Drynold walks a bit further, spotting a goon behind the corner thanks to his card, but suddenly, Raul takes a shot at him to his head, with his reflexes, Drynold goes behind an another crate and a firefight starts

Drynold: “Thomas! There’s multiple people here!”

Mabel continues to watch.

Raul simply starts walking towards Drynold. Drynold takes a shot at Raul’s mask, but since it’s made of titanium, the bullet simply bounces off. Looking desperate, Drynold takes multiple shots at Raul’s chest, but again, it’s magical armor that came from Raul’s ability so Raul simply grabs Drynold and throws him down.

Drynold: “Tho-Thomas!, a little help here!”

Thomas takes a peek isndie seeing Raul heading towards Drynold, Thomas realises it is now or never.

nothing Personal Mr. Long. Thomas draws his hand back and then pushes forward with it releasing an strong air knockback thanks to practice and a heavy dose of adrenalin.

Thomas: Focus on the goons! Thomas ducks away behind a crate himself

Raul gets a shot in before the knockback to Drynold’s right hand, he gets knocked back, but walks it off due to his armor and mask taking most of the hit easily.

“Mabel, NOW!”

The goons start shooting at Thomas from two sides, Thomas is under suppressive fire.

_Drynold takes his gun with his left hand and shoots at one goon, due to him being right handed, the shot only hits the goon’s leg. After that, Raul quickly grabs Drynold again, but Drynold dodges due to his superior reflexes and kicks Raul away _

Mabel turns to sand and immediately hits both Thomas and Dyn, throwing them back into a wall. Then, still in sand form, grabs Raul and travels with him a 100 feet away from the barn.

I’m gonna hang up now as I’ve got something to do but you should try and figure out your financial situation before anything else

Drynold takes the hit and hits the wall, he is unconcious. Both goons continue shooting Thomas, but Police sirens can be heard, Police is coming.

Thomas knocks the other goon out using a manaball shot from his hand thanks to Drynold breaking the suppresive fire from one side. Thomas then hits the wall but uses his air first to break the speed, he sitll hits the wall pretty rough

Mabel grabs Raul and sands away.

The other goon starts charging towards Thomas

Thomas gets up pretty quickly thanks tot raining and kncoks the other goon out with a manaball headshot.

Silence dawns over the barn, Mr. Long and the other cardholder got away…