Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

The phone is silence for a while

Lilian: Very well. We should meet in my apartment. It would be ungrateful and careless to receive help from a stranger.

Drynold: Could I get your address?

She tells him before she closes the phone and walks home.

Drynold dials Thomasā€™s number and calls him

ā€œHey man, have time to talk?ā€

Just after Drynold asked the unidentified woman for her name his phone rings.

Excuse me, I have to take this. Thomas heads outside temporarily and takes the call.

ā€œSure I got a moment.ā€

Drynold: ā€œI need your help, I have reason to believe that Raul Long will attack Lilian today. Do you want to help me keep her protection? Police canā€™t get involved since it will draw too much attention.ā€

Thomas: ā€œOf course Iā€™ll help, that is my job after all. So where do we meet?ā€

Drynold: ā€œIā€™ll take my car, where are you? Iā€™ll pick you up. One car is better.ā€

Thomas: ā€œSure, Iā€™m at (gives the delphi magic shop address) its called the delphi magic shop, cardholder consultations have temporarily moved here as construction is going on at the library, which I find odd, the library was in fine shape but thatā€™s for another day.ā€

No itā€™s not a reading I need to ask her something privately

Drynold gets in his car and drives to the magic shop, he parks the car infront of the entrance and starts waiting.

Is waiting in front of the shop when Drynold arrives in his car. Thomas gets in.

ā€œYou still got my gun?ā€

@Damafaud @AgentBoin

Drynold shows the gun

ā€œIndeed, letā€™s move!ā€

Drynold and Thomas drive infront of Lilianā€™s apartment, they park a bit further so no suspicion is raised. Drynold gets out of the car and starts walking towards Lilianā€™s door. He knocks on it

ā€œLilian, Itā€™s us. Drynold and Thomas.ā€

Thomas follows Drynold.

ā€œWell I brought my reserve gun and ammo, so weā€™re good if they do show up.ā€

waking up on Saturday morning, Marcus goes out to the graveyard to try out his new power, however instead of his dadā€™s grave, he goes to the first lady he visited, the one with the cat named Mittens
Hereā€™s hoping this worksā€¦
as the world fades, this time, instead of falling over, limp, his body stays standing

ā€œShe will have protection surely. My sand form might help in abducting her and so too will her goons. But the last time you tried to kidnap her, it blew up in your face. Whatā€™s to prevent that from happening a second time?ā€

Raul looks annoyed

This time. I will not even hesitate. Anyone who will stand in my way, will die. And this time, I have your help and the help of my goons.

ā€œThat you do.ā€

Raul focuses on his card and quickly, his two goons appear with guns.

Goons: ā€œReady to do what you want boss.ā€

Raul: ā€œAlright, weā€™ll take my car. We need to strategize this, we canā€™t just bang the front door and attack there.ā€


Mabel heads for the car.