Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

well hurry up then I can’t hold them off

he takes a swing at one of there heads

She calmly gets up, and runs the fuck outta there in full visibility

Dead? Who’d want to kill her? She’s the one that was handing out the cards, right?

i wonder if…
Marcus goes to the graves to observe the souls, and more specifically the differences between the graves which rose and those that didnt

@Daericul @PolikShadowbliss

Drynold hears the noise from his apartment, he sees people yelling about some “zombies” at the graveyard and decides to get out and quickly texts Thomas, Jacques and Misty.

“There’s strange things happening in the city. Strange figures. Meet me at the marketplace downtown.”

Drynold starts driving towards the marketplace, looking out for anything suspicious.

Cal begins to fumble with his phone and call an emergency number

Cal: Hello? Yeah, I want to report a sighting of undeads in the graveyard, like a fcking swarm of them. No, this isn’t a prank. Listen you fckers, there’s undeads here so move your ass! A patrol car? Officer, if you think two people can clear this, you’re f*vking wrong. Good night.

He closes the phone.

Cal: Yeah, I don’t think they can help.

He puts his hand on his card. Should he use it now? It feels risky using it in front of others…

The skeletons are more mobile than zombies, but they are not really fast. They slowly shuffles after Lilithia.

Albert: She’s just an agent. Many of us also help with distribution. As of why, maybe they want her card? As a field agent with Level 1 security clearance, she was issued with a card of her own.

The peaceful graves have souls.

A drunk woman crosses the road suddenly

Thomas who has been spending the remainder of the day retracing his steps to the hospital where he saw Jacob the last time used his tracking and tracked Jacob with the grimoire to Jacobs apartment when Thomas gets the text and reads it.

Oh boi. I better go out and help the team huh, but I need that book. F*ck this Thomas writes the address down in his phone with the name Grimoire, need retrieval.

Thomas realizes he’s pretty close to the marketplace and heads to it.

(and the zombs’ dont?)

he takes other swing but they are swarming them

Cal I can’t take them all and Marcus is no where to be seen

Drynold thanks to his quick reflexes avoids the woman, but crashes the car to a building. He gets out of the car, slightly bleeding from his head.

“Hey! Be careful… cough

He limps to his car and grabs a first aid kit. Applies some bandaids, and checks his car, is it broken?

(dont worry i gots us a plan to get some help)

Mary looks annoyed, almost angry

Have you got any way of finding who she was last with?

Reading is fun. The slogan is written on a poster at the library.

Cal: Ah, f*ck it.

It’s partly his fault anyway. Plus, he has grown fond of this gravekeeper. He approaches the swarm. While he doesn’t look threatening, when an undead try to attack him, he suddenly use overwhelming force to breaks their neck.

Cal: Think we can finish 'em up with the two of us?

It’s scratched badly. And dented badly.
Alice: hiccup Sorry.

Albert: I have no idea, but…

He was going to tell zomething, but he hesitates

Albert: Have you heard of Raul Long? He had some animosity with Lilian, though I don’t know the details…

he looks shocked Cal how did… how…WHAT?!

Thomas arrives on the street where the crash happened and sees Drynold hurt.

And what hapopened to you?

Drynold looks at Thomas and says:

“A drunken person got on the road… It’s fine man… I contacted some of my other contacts, something’s going on and I will need your help. I underestimated you.”

I haven’t heard of him, but I’ll look him up

She turns to leave

And if he had anything to do with Lilian’s death, the motherfucker is going to pay

She leaves

Anyway, whats going on thats so urgent?

Drynold shrugs

“Apparently something at the graveyard, we should check it out. The others haven’t responded yet, they can meet us there.”