Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

(Is this true?)

Mabel looks at Raul.
“What do you say, my dear, do we have room for one more?”

Raul looks at Mabel.


Julia keeps looking at Lil trying to see if she’s the kind of person to make that much blood, Mabel or Raul or whoever may see her card sticking out slightly from her pocket

She can see Raul’s card slightly in his pocket.

She apparently doesn’t have anyone else?

Mabel doesn’t appear to have her card on her.

Raul nods


“She is asking to stay.”

Hey, uhh, what’s that thing in your pocket?

Mabel freezes the moment Julia says that.

Raul takes his card and hides it under his suit.

“Nothing. None of your business.”

He starts closing the door.

Raul looks at Mabel

“Is she of any use to us?”

Is it like this?

She takes her card out

Raul starts closing the door, but as soon as he sees the card he freezes aswell.

“An another one… Interesting…”

Mabel frowns.

“She is very good at intimidation. Freaked me the hell out when she brandished her knife.”

Raul looks at Mabel and shakes his head. Turning his gaze to Lil and asks


“Are you any good with that knife? Throw it at me. Go ahead.”

It’s just that I got this thing in the mail and I don’t know what to do with it

Raul looks at Julia and says:

“What figure is it?”

Camazotz, some sort of Bat God guy

“never heard of him.”

Raul looks interested and gets back in.

“I’ve heard of him. Come in.”

He puts his mask on and arms himself.